Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
I urge you to pray My beloved Rosary every day; I urge you to ask for the conversion of the whole world in your prayers, in your supplications, in your orations
Message of Our Lady to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy

The Virgin Mary appeared dressed all in white with 12 sparkling stars around her head. She had Her Heart exposed and the Rosary in Her hands, which She was holding out to us. She said:
"Praised be Jesus Christ. Dear children, I come from Fatima to remind you of the Message of Eucharistic Adoration and Reparation. I come to call you to live and rediscover this very important Message given to you by Heaven. The Message of Fatima must be welcomed, lived, loved and accepted. Follow the way of Fatima, the way of My Immaculate Heart, as all My true messages tell you."
"Ask God for the grace of the substitution of the heart for My Immaculate Heart representing the true Catholic creed. My Immaculate Heart represents the true creed, the true Church, the Little Flock. Dear children, it is very important that you undertake this mysterious, glorious, luminous WAY, the Way of Fatima the Way of My Immaculate Heart representing the true Catholic creed."
"At Fatima, I asked you to pray My Rosary every day and in each of My true apparitions I ask that you pray the Holy Rosary every day, with simplicity, with love and devotion. There is no need for you to perform who knows what great actions, works, it is important that you pray this simple evangelical prayer. The Rosary is Trinitarian, Marian and contemplative prayer. It is very important that you pray it every day, with love, with devotion and abandonment to the Divine Will of the Heavenly Father. Pray My Rosary every day."
"Dear children, peace comes from Heaven, it comes from the Most Holy and Eternal Almighty and Omniscient Trinity. I come to give you true peace, which has a Name: Jesus. True life has a Name: Jesus. The only true Christ, the only true God, is always My Son Jesus. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is the only one who saves, heals, frees, purifies, and sanctifies together with the Holy Spirit. Adore only the Holy Trinity and recognize only My Son Jesus as the true Christ and true Savior of mankind. Invoke His Precious Blood."
"I bless you with My motherly blessing. In a special way, I bless all the candles and candles brought to My Holy Presence. I thank you for the Way of the Cross that is so pleasing to Me and to Jesus. Elevate yourselves more and more. Purify yourselves more and more. Become more and more converted. Definitely abandon evil, sin, the pagan world and be one with Jesus, not letting yourselves be confused by the Adversary who tries to take you away from God, from prayer and from the Way of Light and eternal salvation. Believe in Us and We will be able to act in your hearts to transform them, heal them and make them resplendent with Trinitarian light. I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".
IMPORTANT: The statue of Our Lady of Fatima wept human tears profusely, as is often the case.
Chaplet to Our Lady of Reconciliation
At the beginning we say the Apostles' Creed, an Our Father, a Hail Mary and a Glory Be.
On the beads of the Our Father is said:
O Virgin of Reconciliation hear us and intercede for us in Heaven with the Redeemer: to give us graces of healing and deliverance.
On the beads of the Hail Mary we say:
O Mary our Consolatrice, fill us with Thy Maternal Love and guide us on the Way of Thy Immaculate Heart.
The Message of the Archangel and Guardian of Mario Barachiel:
"Praise be to the Holy Trinity. God Reigns. God Loves. God Saves. Today, by the Divine Will, I give you a powerful instrument of graces and conversions, of deliverances and healings. In honor of Our Lady of Reconciliation and to ask for graces from Her Heart, you will pray this Chaplet in honor of the Apparition of the All Holy. On the beads of the Our Father you will say: O Virgin of Reconciliation hear us and intercede for us in Heaven with the Redeemer: to give us graces of healing and deliverance. On the beads of the Hail Mary you will say: O Mary our Consolatrice, fill us with Thy Maternal Love and guide us on the Way of Thy Immaculate Heart. You will receive infinite graces and help from Our Lady, the most beautiful Flower of Paradise. It is a great gift for the Little Flock of the Sacred Hearts. Honor, honor Holy Mary as the Virgin of Reconciliation, with this Chaplet, venerating Her Image and Statue, and invoking Her always, every day more, spreading Her Messages and Images. Give yourselves to Her. Offer your hearts to Her. She will fulfill you as the great Mediatrix of all graces. This Apparition of Brindisi is a great one, to be valued and loved. I am with you and I bless you."
The Archangel wore a water-green robe and had many flowers near his feet.
Source: ➥