Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Invocation of Help
Messages from Heaven to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 15-10-2022 (locution - 4:35 p.m.)
My children, it is the Light of the world that comes to visit you today in this sacred place, chosen by Heaven itself for the realization of its plan in Work of Salvation.
My blessed children, I love you with all My Heart, I hold you to My Chest: do not be afraid to face the situations that are on this Earth, Jesus is always near you, He is always ready to extend a hand to you, to lift you up from the miseries of this world.
My beloved children, My children, My friends, behold, I, here today, ask you for the grace of constant prayer for this son of Mine who is in despair. His heart is weeping, he is sad, his family is sad however he must trust in God, in God's power, ...he must trust Him and all those who are beside him must trust, especially his wife.
Tell Me My son:
"Have mercy on me, Lord; mercy on me, Lord, mercy on me!
Let Your grace descend upon me; let Your Spirit enfold me and envelop all mine.
Blessed Lord, I am here today, far away with my physical person, but present with my heart.
I bless You Lord and exalt You, in Your grace I trust, in Your help I trust! Have mercy on me."
This, is what I want to hear coming out of your heart My son, and I command you, and I command all of you to continue in these words that I have just announced to you.
Blessings and thanks to you My children; let us go forward: the time is now ripe! Everything is coming to an end; the battle is on, the clash will be soon: I will raise you all to Me and place you in the New Land, in a Garden full of fragrance and every delight prepared by Me for My children.
I am here with you, holding by the hand My Most Holy Mother, She is always present in this place, to accompany you to Me, to educate you in the "Things" of Heaven and to give you the graces you need to go forward.
Up My children! Do not give up, have a goal set in you: ...that of the end of this road where I am here ready to welcome you, embrace you to Me forever.
I bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
(locution - 4:55 p.m.).
Beloved children, I am the Blessed Virgin, I am the Mother of Jesus and your Mother; ... I come to celebrate with you the triumph of My Immaculate Heart and the glory of God on Earth.
My beloved children, oh you who have chosen the path of sorrow to attain eternal joy, verily I say to you, you have made the right choice; you will enjoy the wonders of God, you will be holy and you will be great in the new world, the whole Universe will welcome you and triumph with you for the glory of God.
Blessed creatures of the Divine Creator, oh you, faithful servants to His will, know that you have come to the end of a time, history closes here! You will soon see earth-shattering things on this Earth, but, you will barely make it in time to see them because you will be taken from above and brought into a dimension where you will receive the graces of God in you.
Oh you, oh man who rebelled against God's Commandments, who wanted to choose a different path from that of your Creator; you who decided on your own to live another life , behold I say to you in truth:
You shall have on this Earth, by your own choice, the reward you deserve: ... you are still in time, My child, to repent, Jesus cries out to you all His love and asks you to return to Him: He is waiting for you with open arms to place you in His Bosom, make you live in Himself and give you of Himself eternally.
Into His very Divinity you shall enter, if you, O man, choose to live alongside your Creator, your Divine Creator! The Son of God! God Himself! The Most Holy Trinity.
Have faith! Turn back, repent O man, embrace the holy Gospel again and rediscover the beauties of God in you, the whole Universe will be with you and celebrate with you your new choice, your new life in the infinite beauties of Creation.
Come on My children, Fatima is now being revealed in all its parts, the plan is being fulfilled. Be ready My children, be ready with a pure heart, with in your mind and heart your Divine Creator Jesus Christ.
I bless you, hold your hands and lead you on this road full of thorns to the road of eternal joy, where happiness and love you will have forever.
Onward in the name of the Father of the Son of the Holy Spirit! Be that army of holy soldiers that Jesus wanted to create on this Earth through His Most Holy Mother, She who is Coredemptrix in the Work of Salvation. Amen.
Praised be Jesus Christ. Always be praised.
Praised be the Most Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
Now and always.
Source: ➥