Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, October 29, 2022
Be Holy! Truly Set Out for Heaven
Message from Our Lady to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 26-10-2022 - (4:35 p.m. locution)
Most Holy Mary says:
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I embrace you all to Me My children and bless you!
Be holy! Truly set out for Heaven; no longer look at the things of this world. Set out with all your hearts toward the new Heaven that Jesus will open on this Earth.
Today I truly bless your hearts, My children, I thank you because you are always present here with a great desire to know the truth and to follow Jesus in all truth.
You have accepted this call, shortly your eyes will be opened to a new dimension.
When the cross in heaven is manifested, that will be the time of the great choice, ...the Lord will say to you, ... "with Me or against Me!"
And you will have to kneel to Him, you will have to prostrate yourselves to Him, bless Him and thank Him for all that He has done for you: for giving His own life for your salvation.
My children, in that instant you will see through your eyes your entire life on Earth, you will see your good works and your bad works: the good works that you did not do because you were prey to a world situation at that time.
Jesus will test you and ask you to examine yourself and judge you.
Today, in this place, graces will descend for all those who will set foot here, who will kneel by this holy altar and truly set out in the direction of Heaven.
The bells in Heaven are already ringing festively, Jesus is happy to welcome His children; shortly everything will be in His arms: His children will enjoy His infinite love, they will enter His Chest and live in His infinite Divinity.
My children repent, change your attitude, seriously get down on your knees to this call, ... this is not a joke My children, this is not a joke!!! It is a burning call! It is a tiring call, it is a call that truly challenges you.
Jesus calls you to be His in "totus tuus ." It is not easy, the things of this world unfortunately still attract you, still you look with earthly eyes and not with heavenly ones. Many of you, My children, still don't understand the Word of God, don't understand God's call to repentance, to true conversion in Christ, so you still dawdle in the things of this world, things that don't belong to God.
Do not waste your time in the choices of earthly things, but occupy your every minute for the "Things" of Heaven.
Purify yourselves My children, purify yourselves! Return to your God with great love, with great outburst of love, that this love may be infinite and eternal.
In the world the voice of God is thundering, already there are the first signs of the coming of Jesus Christ; everything is being prepared for the great thunder, for the great manifestation, when God will speak His righteousness!
Provide now My children to truly examine yourselves in your hearts, make an examination of conscience, be in discernment. No one is perfect on this Earth and you are all called to be Image and Likeness of God, and to change your being, transform it into Divine Light to be divine in the Divine.
Today I accept all your requests My children and embrace you all in My Heart.
With great intensity embrace this Rosary, place it in the hands of the Blessed Mother every day; She will come to unite Her hands with yours and accept your intentions to present them to Her Son Jesus.
Mary's Heart at this time is sad because of the things that are happening in the world, ... because of the great tribulation that is about to enter this world! Mary sees that this Humanity is unprepared and far from God, is prey to Satan!
Mary weeps, weeps for what is to come upon this Humanity, but the choice is in the free will of every man!
One cannot force the hand, one cannot force the choice of the heart: everyone is free to choose the path he wants but, the Mother always suffers for the loss of Her children and the Father is in weeping and sorrow for this earthly situation. Nothing can be done, the prophecies will now all be fulfilled, ... everything will be fulfilled according to God the Father's plans.
My children, oh you who have turned away from Me, you have missed the opportunity for a new life, for a life in the heavenly beatitudes.
In order to understand God's love, in order to be able to repent you will have to go through the great sorrow that will now arise on Earth, because of your sin: a sin that persists in your daily choices and, with joy you embrace and prefer it to purity.
Provide My children to return quickly to God the Father Almighty, to Him who is your Creator, do not make your God Love suffer again! There is not the slightest space left untouched by pain, in your Creator God.
He gave His own life to you through His Son so that He could save you, but your pride is greater than that pain, you still go in search of worldly things, of things that belong to this world that will soon be gone. You will lose everything!... You will also lose your life if you continue like this.
The hour has come My children, repent now, repent now, My children!
Repent now! The time is up!
Heaven all bless you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Source: ➥