Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, August 14, 2023
Jesus Son of God
Message of Our Lord Jesus to Valeria Copponi in Rome, Italy on August 9, 2023

I am the Lord your God; you will have no other God but Me.
So many things will happen during this time that most of you will not understand, but those who are in the knowledge of My plans will not fear for all that will happen in the last times.
My children, no one will ever love you as God and your Jesus of mercy loves you. Do not believe those who would lead you on paths that would not lead you to Your Father. Only through His Will will things will change.
You know well that you are close to heavenly changes; no one could change even a comma from the decision of My Father in Heaven.
No one, for the time being, knows My Father, but in the last times, those who love God above all things will come to know God's plans for mankind.
My children, you who have always walked the paths of God's righteousness, continue to teach your brothers and sisters, who live in ignorance, that the only Road to follow, is the one that leads to God.
I am always near you and will lead you to the only Way, that is, to My Father who is in heaven and loves you above all things. I bless you, My beloved children, continue to teach the truths of God.
Jesus Son of God.
Source: ➥