Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Monday, January 23, 1995
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga, AM, Brazil

Our Lady appeared in a community of St. Anthony, in Itapiranga, inside the Chapel. She gave the following message:
Peace be with you!
Dear children, I love you with a great love. I am the Mother of God, your Mother, and the Queen of Peace. How happy I am to see you all gathered here praying. Pray more, little children, so that all my plans may come true as I have planned.
Little children, I have chosen this city and all of you, to bring a most important and most urgent message that is for the whole world. It is the following: Convert, convert, convert. Convert yourselves as quickly as possible. Our Lord, my Beloved Son Jesus Christ is very sad about the situation in your country and in the whole world. He is about to send a great punishment for sin, so little children, free yourselves from sin. Do not walk in the way of sin and impurity. Be pure every day for God our Lord. My Son Jesus loves you so much and wants your salvation so much.
Little children, I as your Mother ask you: pray the holy rosary every day for peace in the world, for the conversion of sinners, and for an end to war. Little children, pray, pray, pray. Have more love for God and get closer to Him through prayer. The solution to your problems is found only in my Son Jesus Christ. Do not look for help in what does not belong to my Son Jesus (macumba and spiritism). Trust more in God. Do not allow Satan to take you away from my Son Jesus Christ. Renounce satan by praying the rosary and going to Holy Mass, to belong totally to Jesus. In the Eucharist, my Son Jesus awaits you with immeasurable love. Come to Holy Mass, to be totally His. Confess your sins. Do not come to receive my Son Jesus with serious sin. Purify yourselves first with the Holy Confession. There is a risk that many will be eternally lost, if they habitually live in the midst of sin and without having confessed as they should. Be sincere to my Son Jesus Christ, who shed all His Blood and gave His Life for the salvation of your lives.
My children, I want to extend to each of you gathered here an invitation: pray the rosary every day here in the chapel. Come to the Father's House to pray, for I will be waiting for you to give you very special graces. Heed my invitation and I promise all those who pray here that you will be able to receive many graces for your salvation and for the salvation of your families. Pray little children, pray very, very, very much!
I am the Queen of Peace, and I come to bring you the peace that my Jesus has allowed me to give you. Thank you for having heard my call. Thank you, little children. I bless everyone gathered here with a very special blessing that my Son Jesus gave me to give to you all. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.