Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, September 2, 2006
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
Dear children, I, your heavenly Mother, am happy with the presence of each one of you here present. Continue with your prayers and especially the recitation of the rosary, because God our Lord wants to fill you with great graces.
Little children, make your life a true and living prayer that is offered daily to the Lord for the conversion and salvation of the world. My love as a Mother is so great, little children, that I want to spread it more and more throughout the world, so that people will learn to truly love God.
Ask the Holy Spirit for the gift of knowing how to truly love God in the first place and all your brothers and sisters. Today I have come down from heaven with the Holy Archangels to tell you that all of you should be united and intimate with them, because the Lord sends them from heaven to help and protect you.
Pray every day for the protection of the Holy Archangels and they will drive away from you all dangers and all calamities. I, the Queen of heaven and earth cover you with my immaculate mantle. Thank you for your perseverance, your love, and your prayers. Love God and praise his holy name always. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Today I take each heart and present it to my Son Jesus. My children, if you surrender yourselves into my hands I will lead you to him who is your all and your true light. Good night and return home with God's peace.