Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

In the morning.

Jesus speaks during the retreat in Wigratzbad from March 26-29, 2007 about His Holy Eucharist through His instrument Anne.


Jesus says: My children, also today I gather you together, because I am in the midst of you. Listen to My words, they are words of the Holy Spirit. In My teaching you are trained in all truth so that others may read from you. Be My examples. Remember your responsibility. You have received the gift of faith. Pass it on so that many may repent in this, My time.

The time is fulfilled when My words are proclaimed in the whole world. People have a longing to experience the true riches of my heart. It will not always be easy for you, but I strengthen you, My beloved children. Why do you turn away from me so often. Look at your beloved Jesus, who is always ready to speak. I add everything, although you think you have accomplished it. My words are given to you, my knowledge.

How much are you sanctified in the places where My Holy Mass of Sacrifice is celebrated. My blood flows in your veins, this, My Divine Blood. In this realization, consider your everyday life. Nothing is fate, everything is fate. Live in this providence. You are in the world, but are not of this world, since I have taken you out. Give thanks already in the morning for this work that I have accomplished on you. You are mine, since I live and work in you. Your whole life is sacrifice and you will be transformed in this sacrificial life and you will bear rich fruit. My children will be recognized by this fruit. These children bear My signs, because courageously and strongly you will fight for the kingdom of heaven.

Be vigilant, for the evil enemy wants to harass you. Do not give him a gateway. If fear of man embraces you, you are not protected. Believe deeper and trust without paying attention to your progress. Sometimes you are full of impatience. I am the forbearance. Even if you feel nothing, I work in you and through you. Through my efficacy miracles will happen through you. Remain in your willingness. You stand in the Divine Light, which gains its radiance through you.

My Jesus, you dwell among us. Thank you for being here. Thanks for letting us call you. You only want the best for us. How good you are and how kind are your words. Full of love you touch our hearts. Renew in us this love and flow through us with Your Holy Spirit. We want to open our hearts and let peace and joy come into our lives. Encourage us in this belief. Praise and glory be to you, O Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Jesus says: My beloved children, he who receives My flesh and blood lives in Me and I abide in him, for he already has eternal life. Receive, My children, My Holy Sacraments, because in these My life is carried out. My Holy Blood shall flow through you. Every drop of My Blood becomes precious when you receive it in holiness.

How much I meet you with My love This love shall embrace you. Take hold of this accommodating love, because you are to pass on this love. Only through your testimony of conviction and assurance will my word be passed on. This is My hour of grace. Draw from My Source of My Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Let yourself be filled, then you can pass on from this abundance. Never let your heart become empty, but always come back to this center, because I want to live in this center of your being. Then a communication should take place within you. My words will enter into you and these words will come out of your mouth. They are words of truth and words of wisdom. It is not from you that you can accomplish this. Receive My strength, which is not found in this world.

More and more you will escape the worldly and draw from the sources of divinity. My love is boundless. I take possession of you and flow through your spirit. Stay on this spiritual plane and do not take a step away, because I am watching your steps. How much joy you give me when you stand by my truth, whether it is convenient or inconvenient. If fear of man threatens you, ask for my power, the power of strength.

Grow on your failures and don't complain about your ups and downs. Come to me in your fickleness and receive my spirit of strength. I want to refresh you. Do not strive for outer riches, but pay attention to your inner riches, your treasure in your hearts. When you again and again come to my sacraments, you remain in the truth.

Show me that you are not swimming with the general stream. Learn from me and become a lone fighter. If men reject you, rejoice, because I too was rejected. You then know that you are in my truth. This way is stony, but contains My way in all permanence. Will you stay by my side and become a comfort to me?

Crucified Lord Jesus, be our strength when we become weak. Show us your grace and your goodness. Let us always experience your love. Amen.


