Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, September 8, 2007

Feast of the Birth of Mary.

Our Lady speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the domestic church in Göttingen through her humble child Anne.


During the rosary the Blessed Mother appeared in a white dress with golden cord, a light blue mantle with golden stars. These little stars sprayed little lightning bolts. On her head she had the Fatima crown. Also Jesus Christ appeared, the Holy Spirit and God the Father. The guardian angels walked behind us during this holy mass of sacrifice. The Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael appeared as well as Padre Pio and Padre Kentenich.

Our Lady now says: My beloved children, how much on this day, this celebrated Holy Cenacle, I have drawn you to Me, to My burning and loving heart. Yesterday, this Sacred Heart of Jesus, My Son, poured more into your hearts through My help, through My intercession.

I would like to tell you that this objection should also be on the Internet, because it is important. My beloved children, this cenacle is celebrated in the church in many places of the world. Also at this place in Göttingen this Cenacle is to be celebrated in highest reverence and has been celebrated. I thank you and especially My beloved priest son, for this honor that you have bestowed on My Son and Me in this domestic church in Göttingen. How happy I am when I am allowed to gather my children of Mary united around me. How much I love you all.

How much the whole world is still disfiguring the Blessed Sacrament of My Son, Jesus Christ. How much I suffer and how much I cry blood tears all over the world. Look at me. I'll go ahead of you. I want to lead you to My Son because I am the Mother of the Church and I am waiting for people until their hearts are ready to lead them to where they know they are safe and where Jesus Christ, My Son, is celebrated in the highest reverence at His Holy Sacrificial Altar. Through this Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass, the priests pay the highest reverence to Him.

My children, many priests no longer celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast. They celebrate meal fellowship, and that is not in the desire of My Son. This meal fellowship at the folk altars will stop quite soon. Be patient, My children. I constantly ask the Heavenly Father that He should finally let this happen. Many people ask Him for it. But again and again your Jesus Christ wants to stop this, in order to be able to save many more people, especially many priest souls, who lie in heavy sacrileges and do not want to repent. They are not ready for it. Pray and atone, My children, for these priests, so that they may repent soon. It is up to her own will. Pray especially for these bishops who do not want to give up their position of power and who are still trying to hold this Tridentine Holy Mass.

Jesus now says: She is My Sacred Sacrificial Supper and in My Sacred Sacrificial Supper I am worshipped in the greatest reverence. This is My desire. No, the bishops and priests are still not ready, although I am preparing My Supreme Shepherd for this great event of My coming. It is My Pope whom I have chosen. You will have to listen to him.

After this soul-show, which will come quite soon, many things will change. Be patient, My children. Gather together, for only together can you survive this time. To My dearest Mother, your Heavenly Mother, her feast you celebrate today, you shall bind yourselves. She will do everything for you, everything that is in My Father's Heavenly Plan. Believe in the words of My Heavenly Mother. Again and again she asks you to make atonement, to take your difficulties upon yourself and to sacrifice your sicknesses. Do not let up in atonement, sacrifice and prayer.

Today we celebrate the feast of the Nativity of Mary. On this day the day of My Mother, the Lady of All Nations, is celebrated at My place of prayer in Heroldsbach. Because of the great hostilities and attacks that would have come to you, it was My wish not to participate.

My beloved children, I will bless you with My Heavenly Mother, the Queen of the Universe, who will very soon achieve the greatest victory and triumph in the whole world. With this Mother I will bless you, with all the angels and saints, also with Padre Pio and with Padre Kentenich, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be ready, My children, My time has come. Amen.


