Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, November 12, 2007

Jesus speaks to the pilgrims of Heroldsbach in Battenhausen after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass.


Jesus now says: My beloved children, yes, My chosen ones, take into your hearts this speaking which I spoke to you yesterday. Now I will speak some more words to strengthen you. Yes, My beloved children, today, on this day when you will enter My place of prayer and the place of prayer of My mother, many sacrifices will be waiting for you. That is why I want to strengthen you especially so that you can accept all these sacrifices in My love, because that is what makes you strong. Nothing will be lacking if you keep this treasure, this Holy Sacrament, which you have received today in great reverence in this My Holy Mass of Sacrifice through this holy priest, deep in your hearts.

This love and these graces, which I have poured out on you and will still pour out, will radiate far beyond you and give you much strength in the next time. This power, My children, you need. Do not become weak and persevere. Always remember that I am with you. I, your treasure, your pearl, remain in your hearts. Even if the evil one wants to bring you down, be vigilant. I, the love of Jesus Christ, will be in your hearts and your mother will never leave you in these days of trouble.

St. Archangel Michael, visible to My little one, has today again swung his sword in all four directions to stop the evil from you once more. Keep My words in your hearts, for all is truth and comes from heaven. Be blessed, strengthened and protected, for I love you in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. You will be loved without limit. Amen.


