Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Feast of All Saints' Day.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Gestratz through His child Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The Heavenly Father in the Trinity, St. Michael the Archangel, St. Joseph and the Queen of the Rosary of Gestratz were brightly lit during the Holy Sacrificial Mass and their robes were covered with diamonds. At the altar there were many angels in white and golden garments worshipping around the tabernacle, yes, they came from far away and streamed through the windows to the Holy Sacrifice.

The Heavenly Father says: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies in My will and speaks only words that come from Me. I wish it so.

My beloved ones, today you have rushed in a large crowd to this Holy Sacrificial Feast here in the house chapel of Gestratz, because you feel in your heart that special holiness surrounds this place. It is My holy priestly son who celebrates this Holy Sacrificial Feast according to My plan and will.

As you all know, My chosen ones, My Church has unfortunately been destroyed by modernism. Here in this place you not only experience holiness, but the saints have celebrated this Holy Sacrificial Feast with you today. Visible for my little one. She may convey it to you, because they also want to take part in this holy sacrificial meal. They worship Me. They intercede for you, My beloved ones. Calls them again and again. They are important for you.

Just as My priestly Son today has invoked the saints in heaven, the holy bishops, the chief shepherds of the dioceses, so you too implore to Me and to these saints who have preceded you on the path of holiness. Pray to them that this One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church may rise again in all holiness. One does not recognize me anymore. One no longer adores Me in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar because one no longer believes in Me. Nor do people believe in the saints. One no longer worships them. They are put aside, although I have led them in holiness and would like to lead you in this sense, too.

My Heavenly Mother, the Immaculate, possesses all virtues and wants to form you according to them. She is the holiest of all holy women. Turn to them, especially here in this sacred place called Gestratz. Turn to the Queen of the Rosary. She will teach you to pray the rosary more intimately. She will guide and guide you in your innermost being. In your innermost heart so many things happen that grow and mature. There is My sanctuary, there is the temple of the Holy Spirit, My beloved ones, because love, the great love of your Savior, penetrates deeper into your hearts. You are the salt of the earth, you are the spring from which the thirsty will drink. Remains responsible for the others. You have received these gifts. Pray for those who are yet to come. From far away they will hurry to this Holy Chapel because I have chosen them and also My priestly son.

Many things are to happen here that are actually intended for My Church in Germany. They are being destroyed more and more by the Masonic powers. But you form the opposite pole through your prayer. Atonement and sacrifice are urgently needed for my chief shepherds. I wish that they lead My Church back to holiness.

Beloved Chief Shepherds, today I would like to address you personally. This objection comes into the world as always, i.e. I use technology, the Internet. You will all hear it that I address you, that I ask you, dear shepherds: Return to My Holy Sacrificial Feast. Why do you still indulge in the modernist church, even though you know that Protestantism and ecumenism have come there. How many times have I told you. Write it in your heart. There you will find peace and above all knowledge. In the silence the realization begins.

You, My beloved ones, resist the hostilities that are everywhere in the modernist church. Take them on. Accept also the mockeries. I myself, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, am mocked in you. Comfort Me on this path of holiness that you are taking and continue on this path constantly.

A cloud of scent surrounds me. Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for calling so many people here to feel and taste Your holiness. You are the holy of holies, the world-shaking and world-encompassing God: Jesus Christ, the Heavenly Father, the Holy Spirit in the Trinity. The love between Father and Son is the Holy Spirit. Dearest Father, let this Holy Spirit sprinkle us today with Your love, so that we may continue on this path in Your holiness and according to Your plan.

The Heavenly Father continues: My beloved daughter, I have heard your words, for they came from your heart. You have spoken for the others. You have given thanks for these My words. Yes, I love you boundlessly, My children. Can you understand this 'boundless'? I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I am the love. No, you will not fathom it and you will not be able to understand it because I am Love, True Love, Truth. Every word that My little one speaks is in the truth. All are My words, and they will penetrate deep into your hearts. They will let you mature in the purity of this Holy Chapel, which I have called the Oasis of Love and Peace and would like to continue to call it that.

My Queen and also your Queen, she is here, the Queen of the Rosary. I want to thank you for the many rosaries, My beloved ones, which you have given to My mother. You have touched many hearts and saved many people, many souls.

And now I want to bless you, love you, protect you, send you out in holiness with all Holy Angels, with all Saints, with My dearest Mother, in the Trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are loved from eternity. Remain courageous and become stronger and persist in the Divine depth and love. Amen.

Praised be Jesus and Mary, forever and ever. Amen. Mary dear with the child, give us all Your blessing. Amen.


