Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Palm Sunday.

Jesus Christ speaks after the consecration of the palm tree, the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and after Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the consecration of the palms and the procession, angels came with us. They were also present during the Holy Sacrificial Feast. They were gathered around the altar of Mary, which was bathed in golden splendor with the altar of sacrifice. This splendor flowed to the Fatima Madonna, the Pink Mystic and St. Joseph. The tabernacle angels worshipped floating and kneeling. The Pieta was particularly brightly illuminated and was bathed in gold and dark red. The rays illuminated the Way of the Cross and streamed into the entire house chapel.

Jesus Christ now says: I, Jesus Christ, the Son of God in the Trinity, speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She is completely in the will of the Heavenly Father and completely fulfills His wishes and His plan.

My beloved children, during this Lent individual figures were still placed in this chapel. They shine in a very special way. But now My Church is filled and equipped according to My desire and plan. This is how it will stay. I thank you, My beloved ones, for having followed My plan and desire, - the plan of the Heavenly Father.

I, Jesus Christ, after the consecration of the palm tree, went through the Passion, the Passion of suffering. I was honored as king with palm trees. The people have called Hosanna, - the son of David. Thus they have honored Me. And the same people wanted to crucify me. And they had already thought up the plan, because the scripture was to be fulfilled.

You have read out My Passion today on this Palm Sunday. And you, my beloved ones, have said yes to it that you want to go along with this path of suffering. You have not rejected him. How few of my children today are still willing to go along with me on this my path of suffering that has now begun. You have heard how many difficult things were coming to me, how many difficult things I had to look ahead in the wisdom of God, so that the Scriptures might be fulfilled. I have seen everything, but I have completely disempowered myself in the Godhead and became man. And as a human being I have walked this way of the cross. The Godhead has supported Me and the angelic hosts have strengthened Me, especially the Holy Olive Mount Angel Lechitiel. Several times the cup of strengthening was handed to me.

My children, My faithful and you, My chosen ones, have followed this Way of the Cross, have accepted it and want to continue and advance on this path of holiness. You do not want to break it off. Then, if it seems too heavy for you, you want to walk it anyway. You also see your suffering.

Especially you, My little one, must bear the greatest sufferings now. Do not be afraid of this path. Is it not I, your dearest Jesus, who has walked this path and who is lovingly looking at you? Why, my little one? Because you want to go along with the suffering. I looked at you and asked you, My beloved little group and chosen ones, if you too would like to go. Everyone said a ready yes. And you, my believers, what do you say to my difficult way of the cross? Did you reject him? Will you not drink this cup which the Father also gives you? It is for your salvation, My beloved children.

I, Jesus Christ, have walked this path before you. Have I ever said No to the Heavenly Father when it became too hard, when My Blood ran from every pore and when it flowed into the earth on the Mount of Olives from My Head? I had to sweat blood for you, My beloved ones. I had not become guilty in any way, but I wanted to redeem you. That is why I came into the world to walk this way of the cross for you, to redeem you. I have accepted this way of the cross with all its consequences. How often have I fallen from the heavy cross of the world for weakness. But I got up again and continued on this path. I looked at you as I looked at my mother: Full of suffering, full of pain. But we understood each other in this loving look. And with this loving look I also look at you. Do you also want to continue on this path in this coming Holy Week? When the way of the cross becomes more difficult, do you also want to continue to advance, to go further with me, to say a ready yes to me, to look at me lovingly, to comfort me in my pain?

Yes, My beloved ones, I know you are ready. You are ready for many who are turning away from this suffering now, especially in this Holy Week, - from their own suffering and cross. Why? Because it seems too hard for them, because it costs sacrifice, - sacrifice of love. Many are not willing to make these sacrifices. They see the severity of the sacrifices and they do not look at My cross. They do not look at me and do not embrace this cross as I have embraced it, - in love. I looked at the cross and thought of you. Such a great love I had in My heart when I embraced this cross. You too embrace your cross. Also the oil angel Lechitiel will accompany and support you. Call him!

You call him too, my little one! I know that you are at the end of your rope with your powers. But you have promised me that you want to go this way of the cross until the end and you want to drink this cup until the end. You can already see the top of the mountain Golgotha.

Only a little way to go, my little ones. Go with Me! Comfort Me! And do not leave me alone as my disciples left me alone in the most difficult hour. I have chosen you to go with me, to look at this difficult way of the cross and not to turn away, but to go on willingly and courageously. Move forward, my little ones! I, Jesus Christ, wish it so, who walked this path for you. I repeat it many times to strengthen you. You are to keep looking at me, then you can go on and do not stop.

I love you, your dearest suffering Jesus, in this time of great suffering. I love you immeasurably and I bless you and support you in a very special way, the power of the Trinity, the Divine Power, with My Heavenly Mother, your dearest Mama, all the angels and saints, St. Joseph, the Bridegroom of the Heavenly Mother, with the Evangelists, with the Little King of Love, with the Little Child Jesus who is united with the Little King of Love through the rays of grace, in the Trinity of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. You will be loved from eternity! Be grateful and look forward to the imminent resurrection and to the end of the Way of the Cross! Amen.


