Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Again many angels flocked to the house chapel. They were clothed in golden garments and had myrtle wreaths on their heads. They adored the Blessed Sacrament on their knees and grouped themselves around the Blessed Mother. The Little King of Love sent His rays back to the Child Jesus.

The Heavenly Father: I, the Heavenly Father, will speak to you today, the 13th Sunday after Pentecost. I speak now in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She is in My will and only repeats My words. Nothing is out of herself.

My beloved ones, My beloved little flock, My beloved pilgrims from near and far, My beloved little one, you passion flower and suffering flower, I, the Heavenly Father, want to announce to you today My instructions, My prophecies and also My words in truth. Few, My beloved little one, still stand by the words you were allowed to proclaim 6 years ago. 6 years have passed since you received these words from heaven and almost 4 years have passed since they were sent out into all the world through My Internet.

Totally and completely they are My truths. Not 90%, My beloved Pius-Brothers, but 100% it is My truth. Is there a truth that contains 90% and is 10% lie? No! There is no such thing. Either it is the truth or the lie. You shall decide, My beloved ones.

I, too, the Heavenly Father, am always waiting for the Yes of My sons of priests, just as My Heavenly Mother, the Mother of sons of priests, is waiting for this Yes. But so far you and I have been waiting in vain. How many atoning souls have I, the Heavenly Father, ordered and chosen in this last hardest time of unbelief! They atone solely for My priesthood, which My Son Jesus Christ will found anew in My flower of suffering. She herself will not recognize whether it is her suffering or the suffering of My Son Jesus Christ all alone in her. All that My Son once suffered will be suffered anew in her heart since she has already said her voluntary yes to it. She has transferred her own will to me, the heavenly Father. And I now take advantage of their free will.

Never will I claim you, My little flower of suffering, beyond the measure. You will master these demands that I make on you. Why, my little one? Only because the Divine Power is working in you. The human power is taken from you, because you are close to powerlessness. Your desperations are exceedingly great. You cry out for your Heavenly Father and do not feel His nearness. have I not promised you, My beloved passion flower, that I will always be with you, even in the worst hostilities and in the worst mockeries? You will not feel Me, but I am there. You will feel abandoned by everyone, including your beloved little band, because that is what Heavenly Father wants. No one, I tell you, no one will understand you in your suffering. But your Heavenly Father is with you and He will dry your tears. (Anne cries) At night He wipes the beads of sweat from your forehead that run down. I also take away your night's rest, because it is mine. You will suffer.

Have I not told you many times that I demand of you, all alone, the greatest suffering? Have I not promised you that I alone can support you, that I embrace you when you suffer, when you continue to express your willing yes to Me, - to comfort Me? He suffers in you, My little one, - My son Jesus Christ all alone. It is His suffering that He once suffered on His Way of the Cross, especially during the hours of the Mount of Olives. He suffers this again in you. And you are immediately ready to endure these hours of the Mount of Olives. These are the most difficult hours. You are in this suffering and continue to feel lonely and abandoned by all the people who are dear to you and who were dear to you.

Look on My Son, - on His cross! Was He not abandoned by all? As Heavenly Father, did I not have to let him also feel this abandonment? Did this not hurt me as Heavenly Father, to see My only Son suffer like this and not be allowed to help because He wanted this suffering of redemption to redeem all mankind? He wanted to suffer it. He has expressed this readiness to Me, the Heavenly Father. As a deity and as humanity He suffered. He was crucified. Everything has been taken away from Him. To mock him, they put the crown of thorns on him.

The crown of thorns is put on you, My little one, every Thursday by My Son. For what, My beloved ones? For My sons of priests as atonement, because they mock My Son. They offer Him a spectacle. They have become Pharisees, who have betrayed Him and are crucifying Him again in His Church, which He founded. It is no longer My Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, which My Son Jesus Christ founded on Holy Thursday. No! It is destroyed. It is completely destroyed from the Supreme Shepherd to the entire clergy. No one wants to follow My Son today in the full truth that I proclaim in the whole world. Nobody today wants to celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast in all truth, in all love, as the only Holy Sacrificial Feast, not connected with the Communion of Modernism. This holy sacrificial meal has been declared an 'extraordinary mass'. Can this be so, My beloved little one?

Anne speaks: No! Beloved Father, this is not right. It is not your truth and your will and your desire and your plan. Your son is despised. They put Him on the side. One turns one's back on Him in this mealtime community of modernism. I myself once served you in this modernism. Today I know that only this one Holy Sacrificial Feast is valid for you. And you beg for your priests' sons. You do not despise them. No! You show them the truth. You send your prophecies into the world, your revelations in the full truth. But you do not listen to this truth. Your Son is crucified again. One still thinks to do you a favor by despising and mocking your messengers whom you have ordered.

The heavenly Father continues: You, my little one, suffer in your bedroom, because I want it so. You, My little one, are also daily connected with the fourth from your group, with My instrument Dorothea, in the house church in Göttingen. Every day the Holy Sacrificial Feast in the full truth also takes place there. You experience it, My little flock, through the telephone. If you use this technical device only for the good, then it is right. It is today's technology that I am using for the good.

Didn't you also celebrate My Holy Sacrificial Feast in your bedroom today? Wasn't that a grace for you to be allowed to experience everything and to lie in helplessness despite everything? Did not your Heavenly Father support you when you could not? When you are lying on the ground, My little one, I am closest to you with My Divine Power. I want to show all this to mankind and tell them that I have appointed and chosen you, My little flower of suffering, My passion flower, to suffer, to experience all this suffering of My Son Jesus Christ in the impotence of humanity. How weak you are, My little one, but I love you in your weakness, then you are all Mine, because you have given Me everything, your whole self in total surrender. You want to serve Me and not evil.

Every day in My Holy House Chapel in Göritz, a district of Opfenbach where you live, the Holy Sacrificial Feast, the Sacrificial Feast of My Son in the Tridentine Rite is celebrated in full truth. How many streams of grace flow over My pilgrimage place Wigratzbad. Do we accept these streams of grace? No! They will continue to despise you, My little one, and continue to look for something in you that might not be right. And you will find something.

But I, the Heavenly Father, have now set up My chessboard. I push My figures the way I want. Everything that is in my way, that is not in the truth, I eliminate. I, the King, have made My first move. And further I push My Lady (the Blessed Mother) forward. She will help me with this. She will stand by me in all the moves I have to make. And these moves hurt me. Much lies not in My desire. I had to change my plan because men continue to despise me and to side with, mock and slander my messengers whom I have chosen out of love for them.

You, my little one, will not fall. You will be able to suffer all this. If I make my moves as I wish, you are taken in the middle of these moves. You go along with every step and will suffer and endure it with you. It is My Son Jesus Christ who suffers and your abandonment is His abandonment, your loneliness is His loneliness, your hostility and mockery is His hostility and mockery. Has He not always been despised? Is it something new for you, My little one, that My Son is put on the side by all men and that the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar is no longer respected? One disregards my wishes and my truths, which I am giving them now out of love for men in this last prophetic time, the time of tribulation and also the time of iniquity.

Everything, My little one, My son continues to suffer in you. You will not succumb to these weaknesses. The divine strength does not increase your human strength. It will be completely extinguished to a minimum. Not because you want it so, My little one, but because I, your Heavenly Father, have provided it in My Plan.

You will be able to see the new glorious church as it rises. You will experience the new Church in full glory when all is overcome, when all suffering has been suffered, through My Son Jesus Christ, in you, My little flower of passion. Hang in there! Stay out and stay in this place as long as I want and wish! I know, my little one, you have the desire to go to your home town. It seems too hard for you here in this place. You want to flee from all the suffering. Look at your oil angel, whom I am placing at your side, the holy archangel Lechitiel. Has he not already given you this cup of comfort? Hang in there! Just a little while longer and you'll get over it. This small stony path is still in front of your eyes, then you are on the height of the mountain Golgotha.

I have foretold you all this stony path. It will not become easier, no, heavier. But the Divine Power will increase, never decrease, and the protection of your Heavenly Father and the love and care of your Heavenly Mother is always assured. She is with you every day, especially when the mockeries increase. Do not believe in these people who want to take away what is dearest to you. Behold the truth of your Heavenly Father. He himself is the truth, the way and the love.

I love you immeasurably. Especially in this suffering I am closest to you. Support My Flower of Sorrows through these small oases of love and peace. I wish that you found these prayer groups to ease the suffering of My Son and also the suffering of My little Passion flower. She suffers immeasurably and is waiting for your help and support.

And now I bless you, love you, send you and protect you, in the Trinity with My dearest Mother, all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain in love, confidence and hope in the new Catholic Church! Amen.


