Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass and after the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the domestic church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Again, large flocks of angels in white and golden robes entered the house church from all directions. They worshipped the Blessed Sacrament on their knees. The relief of the Heavenly Father above the altar shone in golden splendor and was surrounded by sparkling rays of grace. All figures shone in a bright glow. The Blessed Mother had a bouquet of lilies in her hand. She presented him to her bridegroom, Saint Joseph. The Little King of Love sent His rays to the Child Jesus again and the Way of the Cross was also brightly illuminated.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now at this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne. She lies entirely in My will and only repeats words of heaven, - today My words.

My beloved children, My beloved believers, My beloved little band, I, the Heavenly Father, want to reveal to you today some instructions. What is important for you, My beloved ones, is that you call on My name again and again during this time. Through Me, through the Heavenly Father, full grace now comes to you. You will feel them in your hearts. Wherever 'God' is called, use the Heavenly Father so that My full grace can work in all hearts you meet and to which the rays of grace are transmitted. It is my beloved believers who not only hear my difficult way and my plan, but follow it.

I, the Heavenly Father, will comfort you in your sufferings, diseases and ailments. I will stand by you with My full grace. I will dwell in your hearts in the Trinity. Believe more deeply and live love, the Divine Love. Let them shine into your hearts, for love is the greatest. Everything that you accomplish, accomplish it with love. For all works that you do out of habit are worthless, unless you do them out of love.

How much love have I already given to My shepherds, chief shepherds and the chief shepherd! With how much love I have surrounded him, the Supreme Shepherd! Also today still, my beloved ones, because your prayer will be fruitful. This does not mean that the Supreme Shepherd will now no longer lead the Catholic Church astray, but that the truth will triumph! I have listed the many points he has already made through the Masons. He succumbs to the masonic powers. But I still wish that you pray for this Supreme Shepherd, but do not follow him! If you do this, you too will go astray.

I, the Heavenly Father, am the Regent of My Only, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church There is no other truth and there is no other church. There are denominations, but no Protestant church. It has been split off from the once Catholic.

Many commandments, even truths of faith, have been completely changed by their founder. Was he not once a Catholic? Has he not been sorely lacking in his life, in his faith? Did he not despise the Seven Sacraments, - the Holy Sacrament of Penance above all, and the Holy Eucharist? Did he not also despise it and no longer consider it authoritative? The Holy Eucharist, My children, is the most important thing you live and draw from! This is your food on earth, if you once want to participate at the wedding table in eternal glory with the wedding dress, with sanctifying grace! Can it be that my Protestant Christians, as they call themselves, may once also participate in the wedding feast? No! If they do not convert to the Catholic faith, then I will not know them, because they have the possibility of returning to the true faith. They know that they were separated from the true faith by their founder. They also know that they live their faith out of comfort - not out of conviction. Their whole life of faith consists in living comfortably.

What about marriage in your faith? You can receive this (in quotation marks) 'sacrament' several times, which is of course not a sacrament. The holy Eucharist does not exist for them. There is the Holy Communion, as they call it. That is, My Son Jesus Christ in the Holy Host is only a symbol for them. He is not present in a tabernacle. Much else I could enumerate to you, which is not in my truth.

Therefore, My children and believers, do not continue to stray. Turn back to the only true faith, - the Catholic faith. Only in this faith will you find salvation. In the cross is salvation. Cross yourselves often!

I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, am with you every day, but not in modernism. There I cannot be present. There I cannot watch over these believers. They do not live the true faith. It is a mistaken belief, my beloved believers. And I tell you again: Turn back to the only faith, because the valuable in your heart is not present. Divine love can only come in if you keep the 10 Commandments, but not out of duty, but out of love for Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity. Does not the supreme commandment say that you shall hallow the Sabbath, Sunday? Do you have this feast day? No! He does not exist with you. It exists only in the Catholic faith.

And therefore I wish that this Sunday be sanctified, that the Holy Sacrificial Mass be celebrated in the Tridentine Rite, the true sacrificial banquet. There is no other sacrificial meal. The other is a meal fellowship, My believers and nothing but symbol is My Son Jesus Christ. He is not present with flesh and blood among you, nor with divinity and humanity in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. This Holy Sacrament of the Altar is to be taken from you. One wants to destroy the Holy Eucharist. The Freemasons want to continue to do so, especially in the Vatican in Rome. There, Freemasonry has come to the fullest extent up to the Supreme Shepherd. How often have I sent him my messages and have wanted to warn him of this disintegration.

Now it is too late, My beloved Supreme Shepherd. You obey completely the Masonic powers and do not pay attention to the fact that you are the true head of the Universal Church, the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. You let yourself be directed and you yourself are no longer the chief shepherd. Who guides you? Your chief shepherds! You do not rule over your chief shepherds in the first place, but your chief shepherds direct you. You are the true representative of Jesus Christ on earth, but you do not perform this function and you perform this Motu Proprio and proclaim it ex cathedra.

And it cannot go on like this, My beloved believers. How often have I, as Heavenly Father, revealed to you that My event will come, and very soon, My beloved ones. Have I not let My arm of wrath sink? What does this mean for you, My beloved ones, when the wrath of the Heavenly Father will come upon you? Can you bear to be rejected by the Trinity when I say, "I do not know you? Isn't that scary for you?

How much My Heavenly Mother cries for you, yes, she still sheds tears of blood in many places. This shall bring about your repentance. But so far you have not followed this reversal.

I love you all and want to save you and save you from ruin. Turn back! Turn back! Turn back! Again and again I want to tell you these words and announce them urgently because the wicked man has power over you and he will do even worse. I leave it until my time, when my events will come in great strength.

Do not be afraid, My believers, who follow the way, My way and My plan completely. You need not be afraid. You receive the full protection of Heaven, especially your Heavenly Mother. She takes you under her protective cloak and protects you from all evil. And so I bless you, I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Love is the greatest! Live love and stay in love! Amen.


