Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, September 7, 2014

Thirteenth Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. During the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, the Sacrificial Altar and the Altar of Mary were bathed in golden light. The two loving hearts wrapped in thorns shone in dark red. Also the rosary of the Blessed Mother was again white like snow as well as her robe. Brightly illuminated were the symbol of the Trinity and the tabernacle. From the Pieta, as well as from Saint Joseph and once also from the Merciful Jesus, rays of grace emanated.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, My beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far, I, the Heavenly Father, will give you some instructions today.

My Heavenly Mother spoke to you yesterday, on your feast day, the Cenacle, and She will also speak to you tomorrow on the feast of your birth, on the feast of your name day, and on the feast of your Seven Sorrows.

Next Sunday you will celebrate the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, My beloved ones. Do not forget what this festival means to you. In you this cross becomes truth, because only through the cross you will reach heaven. If you reject the cross and throw down your cross, then you are not worthy to be my disciples, because only illness, misery and tribulation, what you are to bear on earth, is important for your eternal salvation, for eternal glory.

Here on earth, you are also atoning, praying and sacrificing for others, because you have received this great gift of being able to live and witness to the only true Catholic and Apostolic faith. You have received mercy upon mercy. Not everyone is born into a Catholic family. For these people you shall be an atoning sacrifice. This is not easy for you, My beloved little ones. You remain small and you remain nothing. The more humbly you accept your cross, the more graces you can pour out on others. This grace is granted to you.

In the Holy Mass of Sacrifice on this Sunday, as on every Sunday and on the day of the week, special graces are given to the many who do not want to believe. You can save them, my beloved ones, the deeper you believe.

Today I, the Heavenly Father, want to speak about faith. What does true faith mean? True faith means seeing nothing and yet believing. All you experience is providence. You will not immediately know where your prayers will be fruitful, but you will have to persevere in prayer, in unity, in love, in faithfulness. You, My little one, have of course received special graces for the others through the World Mission. You will be allowed to save many priests from eternal destruction through your atonement sacrifice and also through the atonement sacrifice of My little Monica here in this house in Mellatz, in My Father's house. There you may expiate. It is a gift for you. You must never forget that this grace remains a gift. Even if you should suffer the greatest pain, remember that this is desired by your Heavenly Father. In love He thinks of your cross because I, the Heavenly Father, have allowed it for you. It will never be easy for you, My little one, because you alone will get the greatest sufferings in the whole world. You can't compare her to anyone, to any messenger or messenger. If you also read the messages of other messengers, it will never be the same for you. Your pains, your atoning sacrifices are the greatest. That's why you can hardly bear the oil-mountain sufferings you think you can bear, like the choking fits you have experienced twice. Then look at the Mount of Olives where My Son Jesus Christ bore the greatest sufferings for the whole world. He redeemed the whole world through His suffering, through His Way of the Cross. He went to the cross for you, so that you might be redeemed. Has He not endured everything for you? Until the last drop of blood He has sacrificed everything for you and you, my beloved little ones, must also do this according to your measure, as I allow it. Your suffering goes as far as bloodshed. Not that you must necessarily suffer martyrdom, but you must strive to do everything.

Your soul is full of suffering and sorrow in this time of crisis of the Church. No messenger will have to fulfill this task of sending the world. The World Broadcast is based on a very small group. In former times, My beloved ones, I also had chosen My apostles for the Church. And now, My beloved little messenger Anne, what about you? Must you not suffer for the whole world? Is My Church, the Only, True, Catholic Church not completely destroyed in the whole world? And you have the world broadcast, but you are also especially chosen for Germany. Germany I had planned for My chosen Pope Benedetto. He did not obey me and resigned prematurely. He gave up his office himself because he was despondent and desperate. Couldn't I, as the greatest authority, have supported him as Heavenly Father? Did he call me in his greatest need? Has he in obedience accepted My words that were sent to him? Did he obey them? Has he done works of love here on earth? As the supreme shepherd he was no longer wearable. And still I want to save his soul from eternal ruin. But I cannot do that as long as he is in the Vatican. There Satan has seized his power.

Look at this false prophet Francis What does he do? He spreads the false and unbelief all over the world. And one believes him. Why? Because men are put in the first place and the Triune God is thereby forgotten, despised and slandered to the utmost. That is why I must lay My Rome, My eternal Rome, the Vatican in ruins. What this means, I will not reveal to you. It is bitter for your Heavenly Father to see that My Son Jesus Christ fought for this Rome and that it is being submerged in modernism. Modernism is the greatest sin that happened after Vatican II. And still one recognizes this II Vaticanum. It has taken place under wrong conditions. It was a pastoral council, but never wanted by Me, the Heavenly Father. After that My sons of priests fell away. Afterwards they took off their priestly clothes. After that the folk altar was erected and the folk mass, the meal community, was instituted and the hand communion was distributed, even by the laity. The greatest sin had happened. And can it be reversed? No! If My priests, My authorities, do not obey Me, the heavenly Father, it cannot be reversed. Under this false prophet you must not expect that the canonizations he makes will be true.

You must not be recognized by him, My beloved messengers, you must expect nothing from him. On the contrary, you must dissociate yourselves from him because he spreads sin, because you get into delusion and think you must believe in it if you want to remain Catholic. No! You can remain Catholic only if you follow the true, only, Catholic faith, that is, see nothing and yet believe.

The greatest mystery is the Holy Eucharist. There you see nothing, and yet I turn into the priests who believe, who truly believe, who carry the Holy Host, the Body of My Son, in their hands and have it transformed. They themselves are equipped with the garment of Jesus Christ. All this has been forgotten. One thinks that this is past, that this is medieval, and yet it is the truth, the only truth. Every priest who carries out the Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V is the believer and the holy priest whom I will press to My heart and whom My Heavenly Mother guides and educates. But if it is not so, they will be doomed to perdition. Like snowflakes they will fall down into the eternal abyss - forever. What this means, My beloved sons of priests - forever - you cannot measure. My little one was allowed to look at the eternal abyss, hell, several times. It was so terrible for her that she will never forget it. She would like to share it with you. Believe, turn back and let yourselves be thawed by the true blessing of grace! Believe and return to the only, true, holy sacrificial banquet at the altar of sacrifice, not at the popular altar, as it is cultivated here in Wigratzbad, but as it takes place here in the Father's house. A holy sacrificial mass flows far beyond the borders. This blessing is worth its weight in gold.

And you, my little flock, will make sure that this blessing of grace will continue to flow, because you sacrifice and make atonement for everything. You do not stop believing and loving and wanting to continue to make the sacrifices that the Heavenly Father desires of you.

Love one another, believe and trust one another to the last, for your Heavenly Father will sustain, love and bless you with all heaven in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Love is without end! Love is always! Amen.


