Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, June 7, 2015

Second Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. The altar of sacrifice and the altar of Mary were bathed in golden light. The Blessed Mother blessed us during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. Her bouquet was decorated with diamonds and white pearls. All the figures, the Trinity symbol and the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus were brightly illuminated during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. Jesus blessed us and pointed to His Sacred Heart and also to the Immaculate Heart of His dearest Mother.

Today again the Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me.

Beloved little flock, beloved followers, beloved pilgrims and beloved believers from near and far, you all know that My time has dawned as I have often made known to you through My Messages which are in accordance with the full truth.

Yes, My beloved ones, everything is in accordance with the Bible. Everything corresponds to the full truth. My little one is completely in My will. She has transferred her will to me. That is, I can use it as a plaything, as I wish, and so I will. I have purified them to the highest degree with their small flock.

My beloved ones, what does this reading tell you today? I Jo. 3:13-18 This reading says that you also are hated by all because you proclaim the truth, the full truth. But I say to you: If you hate, you are murderers! You have become murderers against my chosen ones. All who are pious and fulfill my will in this day and age will be cast out by this church. But this church is no longer My Catholic Church. It has become a Protestant and ecumenical church and never includes the purely Catholic.

You, My beloved little flock, fully embody the Catholic. Every priest today can orientate himself according to My beloved priest son, who celebrates daily the Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Trentine Rite according to Pius V and you, My beloved little flock, have a valid Holy Sacrificial Mass every day. Also all who celebrate the Holy Mass Sacrifice daily according to this DVD are in the full truth and have a valid Holy Mass Sacrifice.

Stay out of these modernist churches, My beloved believers. Can you not see that the evil one reigns there, that Satan has broken into this church, that these priests no longer correspond to the truth? On the contrary, they listen to the words of the Freemasons. They have become freemasons, yes, they have even become antichrists. They completely reject the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass of My Son Jesus Christ. The popular mass is not a mass, but they hold a meal fellowship at the popular altar. This has no resemblance with the Holy Sacrificial Mass of My Son Jesus Christ, although the Supreme See has decreed that this 'Ordinary Mass' is to be celebrated everywhere. And what does the 'Extraordinary Fair' mean? Is it out of order? As I have already told you, it is the only, Holy Sacrificial Feast that I desire and that My Son Jesus Christ instituted on Holy Thursday. That is tradition, that is holiness. That is what you must strive for, My beloved believers, and not what you can still take with you in these modernist churches. The evil one has come and he can enter you. Even if you do not feel it, the evil one is beside you when you join in this modernist meal. You cannot receive Holy Communion. You receive nothing more than a small piece of bread. This is sad, because you do not get the strength to cope with everyday life.

The supreme commandment is to celebrate a Holy Sacrificial Mass every Sunday in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. Only then will you receive the full streams of grace and be able to holily celebrate this Sunday and also to endure everyday life with all the worries you have. I love you and want to save you before the downfall, the ruin, sets in in this modernist church.

It is not so far yet. Satan still rules. But one day, my beloved ones, I will strike into these churches, because I Am the Almighty God. My anger arm has sunk. This I have already told you many times. My priests do not believe in it, on the contrary, they reject all priests who today are in the tradition of the Holy, Catholic faith. No, they say we don't need it. This is even a sect. This is bad, My beloved sons of priests, that you expel My pious priests from your church with evil words. You treat them as enemies. You have therefore become murderers of your priests. I wish that you finally understand that only a Holy Sacrificial Feast can be the true thing. Turn around and return to the true tradition!

I love you all and want to embrace you in My loving arms. I want to be able to forgive you. Finally show me that you really love me, not mammon, not your power, not your possessions; holiness is the most important thing you should strive for, because on earth you will not then achieve success. But the failures count for you, only then are you holy priests, holy believers, who lie in humility, who emulate Our Lady in her virtues, who treat their fellow men, their neighbor, lovingly and do not despise them, who rebuke them meekly and benignly when they do not lie in the truth. Then you must not be silent, my beloved ones, then your mouth must be opened for the truth. You must bear witness to the true faith, and you must live it fully. That is what you are on earth for. Again and again I point out to you that you are to pass on love. The love that you receive in this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass you are to pass on to your fellow men, so that the faithful may see that you remain in love, that you despise no one, but love your enemies. You even say, "I give my life for my enemies," when it is necessary. And so it corresponds to the truth.

I love you all and I want to call on you again, My beloved sons of priests: Turn back! There is still time. But when doom and ruin come to this modernist church, you are lost and damned. Then you have no way to turn back. Many atonement souls have made their sacrifices for you. They have atoned for you for nights on end in the many atonement nights and they still do so today. Therefore listen to them and turn back and be willing and obedient, because you need only obey me, the heavenly Father, and no one else. I alone love you and lead you into the truth.

And so I bless you now with all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. May love overthrow you and may Our Lady take you in her arms and give you her love. Amen.


