Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, February 4, 2018

Sunday, Sexagesima.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. through His willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, February 4, 2018, we celebrated a worthy Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V.

The altar of the Sacrifice and also the altar of the Virgin Mary were richly decorated with flowers, with red, white, yellow and pink roses, which were scented during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. For a long time I had a rose scent again. The angels, including the archangels, had come and gone in great numbers. They were grouped alternately around the tabernacle, around the altar of Mary, around the Child Jesus and also around the King of Love. The Blessed Mother was dressed all in white. She held a blue rosary in her hand, which she showed us twice during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. She told us: "Pray this one often and gladly, for he is not only the ladder to heaven but also the link between Me and you, My beloved Mary's children. She wore a closed triple crown.

Her face was full of love and relaxation. She appeared more loving than on the days when, as the Mother of Pain, she shed bitter tears, even blood tears. Today she was full of joy and gratitude. On her closed white coat there were three roses, one golden, one white and one red.

She tells us with this: "You cannot win without Me, because I am your Heavenly Mother who fights with you in this last most difficult time. I will save you under My cloak and protect you from evil. I beg you to have confidence and courage for the truth and do not become afraid because I do not leave you alone. You will fight until the last moment because the evil one still wants to gain his power over you. His cunning is unsurpassable. But you will recognize it and will not succumb to it. The victory is certain for you. Look to victory and not to battle, for much will remain unfathomable to you. The wicked one will always try to dissuade you from the truth at the last moment with his cunning. You will clearly not succumb to the struggle."

At that moment the Heavenly Father will speak: .

I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

Beloved children of Father and Mary, beloved small flock, beloved followers, beloved pilgrims and faithful from near and far I, your Heavenly Father, am giving you today eventful and important information for your path of life. These instructions are of very great importance for the people who have walked my path of faith.  It is an enrichment for you when you have to suffer persecution to a high degree. You will be despised and mocked, accused and dragged before the courts. Never let go of the bond of love because I want to strengthen you and am always available for you. Complain to me your need. I am always available for you. You are my beloved and chosen ones. Until the end you will be despised. Then be grateful. Be thankful for every word of suffering, because it serves your salvation and becomes fruitful for many who need repentance. You will continue to fight until the end.

Then, my beloved, my righteousness will triumph. Justice will be an abomination to those who stand on the left, for they have not listened to My admonitions.

You, My beloved ones, are My chosen ones and to you I will draw to My right hand and give you My hand. You will gratefully grasp it, for you know that you have not succumbed to evil. You have defied him. You will now be allowed to receive the crown of victory. You have endured and endured in the fight with evil. Your dearest Heavenly Mother has accompanied you on this path with a great host of angels. She has never let go of her children of Mary. She took you firmly by the hand and was united with you as the link of the Rosary. .

My beloved ones, I thank you for your extraordinary struggle with heaven; You have proved to Me that you are serious about taking up the struggle for the supernatural. You have proved to Me once again that you truly love Me. Real and true love only becomes visible when you put your own ego aside and can give up everything for heaven's sake, when you comply with the plan and desire of the Heavenly Father. Nothing shall seem more important to you than eternal life. The time of life on earth is short, but eternity means always and eternally. This eternity is not conceivable to you.  Then divine love will be manifested. It will never end. Your greatest happiness consists in the eternal joy in Paradise that I prepare for you.

Your heart will be full of love and this love will never end Your Heavenly Mother has let this love flow into you. She has put legions of angels at your side. Then, when your suffering became too heavy, She was at your side as your Heavenly Mother and reached out her hand to you. .

You are and remain fallible men. But I, the Mighty, Omnipotent and Triune God, have often saved you from evil. The evil one has never been able to gain victory over you, but you will find more and more that you have never been left alone in great need. When you experience human impotence, then the Divine Power is closest, for then My Divine Power will be manifested This is happening now in this time of great tribulation .

People no longer know what to do and find no help anywhere. They are searching and encounter obstacles because they are not engaged in faith and are wandering completely helplessly.

Now is my time, the time of my righteousness. .

Those who have persecuted you will be amazed when you stand on the right side. They will feel whom they have persecuted. But then there will be no return for them. .

I, the Heavenly Father have already given them many warnings. But they did not pay attention to my instructions and words. They have taken my words for garbage and have mocked me. How often have I warned those who are mine. Now they must feel who they have persecuted and who they have hated.

You, My beloved ones, will be hated by all until the end. This hatred will even exceed the judgment of men. The devil is the very personal hate. He will never stop persecuting the people who put themselves at his disposal.

I the most holy and Almighty God in the Trinity am the love that never ends. This love has flowed through you and this love you have proved to Me. The struggle sometimes seemed hopeless for you. But you did not give up, but took it up again. For this I want to thank you. .

You are My beloved and chosen ones and you will not be harmed. You are secure under the mantle of your Heavenly Mother, who loves you inexpressibly and stands by you motherly. She will lead you to Me, to your heavenly Father. She will say, "Heavenly Father, I bring you your chosen ones. I bring you your children of Father and Mary. They are yours, all yours. They fought the last fight for You. Receive them into your Heavenly Kingdom. They will now receive the crown of victory from you" .

Thus I bless you, your Heavenly Mother with all the angels and saints in the Trinity, in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You are and will be loved from eternity. Your gratitude, to Me, the Heavenly Father, is now being rewarded.


