Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, November 4, 2018

Twenty-fourth Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 12:10 and 19:30.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

Beloved little flock of beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. Also today I have some important announcements to make to you. Listen to my words and do not disregard them because they are of utmost importance for you.

I am the ruler of the whole world and the whole universe. I alone determine what happens in this world.

My beloved ones, how often have I prophesied to you what is happening in the world. I have called your attention to many dangers, because I love you and want to save you. Why do you not listen to My voice that has been roaring through the universe for years?

I will separate my righteous from the wicked. They harm My Catholic and True Church.

It is you, the wicked, who have destroyed My true Church. They have devoted themselves to the devil and have not ceased to drive my faithful and beloved ones into a corner. They took away their honor and dragged them before the courts. Even today they do not stop persecuting my righteous ones. They condemn my chosen ones and repeat all bad things to them. How much suffering have these wicked brought upon My chosen ones?

Now I, the ruler of the whole world, will intervene quite massively, and the wicked will not be able to bring themselves to safety, because their time has run out. I have let them know that it is 5 minutes to twelve o'clock. That did not interest them either.

They have continued with their massacre and have shown no consideration for My faithful.

I, will appear in great power and glory and no one will be able to hinder me. Nor will anyone be able to explain the supernatural, for everything that is supernatural cannot be fathomed, even if one would try.

You will be astonished my beloved ones, as I, the ruler of the whole world, proceed. You are in My safe protection and under the cloak of your dearest Mother of God. She will guide, direct and guide you and protect you from all things like the apple of her eye. You will be loved and you will feel the love in which her children will accompany you on the safe path.

Do not develop any fears, because I am with you every day and nothing can happen to you. You have endured to the end and have persevered in patience. You did not give up when your cross became increasingly heavy and inexplicable. You wore it willingly. My plan and My will was your guideline. You have not deviated a millimeter from it. My love has driven you forward. You have proven your love to Me. I thank you with all my heart.

What do you want to prove now, you who have not followed the True Path? Have you not heard My voice again and again? Why have you not left your wrong path? I have communicated everything to you and yet you have closed the doors of your heart to My love.

The cross will also appear in the sky and in the whole firmament. In shame and incomprehension you will fall on your knees in shock and on your face. Some will drop dead of shame. They will not bear their own sinfulness, which I will show them. The soul show will overwhelm them.

My beloved ones, My time has come, although people still don't want to believe it. Everything must be explainable. But the supernature cannot be explained. One will try to find an excuse here as well. But none will be found.

Even today these believers know only their pleasure. They have become restless and do not allow themselves any rest to become balanced. They perceive everything, but they have no time for prayer.

A great distress has come upon the German people. The lack of faith has destroyed everything and the True Catholic Church is no longer recognizable. The authorities have put themselves at the disposal of the freemasons. They have penetrated as far as the highest lodges of this diabolical brood.

Why didn't they put themselves at my disposal? They have always looked for the easy stuff. Victims had become strangers to them. But without sacrifice there is no following of My Son Jesus Christ. He went to the cross for all but not all have accepted His grace. This grace, My beloved ones must all earn.

What about your fatherland now? Have you defended it, My beloved believers? Or were you indifferent to trying to eradicate it? Yes, that's how it looks today with your fatherland Germany. Are you ready for rescue now? Or are you letting the media unsettle you?

My beloved, it is really 5 minutes to twelve. I have shouted for you to wake up. You have taken too long the sleep of death. Now it is time to wake up. The migration pact will soon be signed in Marrakech. Germany is not only betrayed, but also sold. No consideration is given to the many people who have fought for their fatherland. It has become indifferent to them what their future life will look like. You fool people and present them with the worst lies. Germany was abused by the leaders of the Catholic Church.

Now it is brought to the daylight. Nothing remains in secret. The birds will whistle it from the roofs. Then it is too late for you, for you who were not ready for the fight. You flatterers and slanderers, you have betrayed Germany and have sworn a false oath. You will be destroyed, because it is too late.

You have put yourselves in the hands of the Freemasons, because you were promised a wonderful life and you met the requirements. You have not protected Germany, just as you swore under oath. You have become enemies for the fatherland.

Now I will be the judge of your actions and deeds. You have now fulfilled your task, but to the ruin of your country. Now I, the Eternal Judge, will settle accounts.

My righteous will now be rewarded by Me, because they have fought for My name's sake, and the martyr's crown, the victor's crown, belongs to them. You are My beloved ones. You have proved your love, yours is the kingdom of heaven.

Pay attention again to the signs of heaven. You will get the answers there.

The climatic conditions are exactly adjusted to the intervention. But nobody wants to pay attention to them. They are set as normal. But when did it happen that summer weather came up in November? Why do you not interpret the signs of heaven? Are they not full of clarity?

I love you, My beloved children and now bless you with your Heavenly Mother of all angels and saints in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You are My redeemed ones, the battle of evil is soon to end and the victors will be rewarded with the crown of victory.


