Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, April 21, 2022
MY Coming Has Come to Its Hour
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 19.04.2022 - 7:40 PM
Have faith My children, have that faith that moves mountains!
Here I Am, O men, here I Am! You will recognize Me and love Me infinitely. My coming has come to its hour.
The Father bestows gifts so that the world may be converted, but men look down, they plan on the Earth, they do not raise their eyes to Heaven, to God Love. Their hearts are closed to Love; they advance without the awareness that everything is now over, that this world will change its aspect, that the things of the past will pass away to leave room for the new ones, those that God will bless so that His Faithful may enjoy them.
My people, ungrateful people, do you still not stop to listen to My cry of Infinite Love?
I call all men to conversion, I call them that they may live and not die. Satan has unleashed a ruckus on this Humanity that unconsciously takes as good what is not good.
The astral cycle has changed! The seasons will not be regular, you will be put to the test by what you did not know, ... you will weep for not having listened to and followed the advice of Heaven.
Your egos will come to an end O men, you will be put in conditions of great suffering for all that will come in destruction.
Beloved children, oh you who still have a glimmer of consciousness, let yourselves be taken by Love, convert, run to remedy your errors, do not wait for the infernal enemy to devour you.
The air will soon be unbreathable: ... equip yourselves with masks for fine dust and arrange to cover your windows with sheets.
The Earth is about to go into convulsions.
Hot material will fall from space.
Volcanoes will ignite.
Disasters will follow one another.
Waters will be poisoned, crops will be lost.
Supply yourselves with water and canned food: beans, chickpeas, lentils, etc. because soon there will be nothing left.
Man reigns in his bravado but will have only to weep for his foolishness if he does not listen to the voice of God.
The Russian cavalry is advancing, its plan is to reach Rome.
May will be a terrible month for those who have not heeded the calls of the Father.
I still ask this perverse Humanity for conversion.
May this call of God not go unheard!
Source: ➥