Messages from Diverse Sources
Monday, December 26, 2022
A New Generation Will Walk on the New Earth
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 24.12.2022
I knock at the door of your heart, My child, open it to your God Love,
to your Creator; behold I come to bring you life in Me in the eternal joy of love.
I come with a soft step, I caress your breast O man, I long to embrace you to Me, to bring you into Me, to give you of Me in eternity.
The "righteous" in the Lord await with delightful songs the arrival of their God the King, the Master: the One who gave His life for love, for the salvation of men.
Honor your God with all your sincere "yes", welcome Him into you; His return is in glory! He will bring you His greatness in love, He will satisfy your every desire for love, He will lavish you with Himself.
Onward My people! Onward people of Israel, behold the time of the end has come, the coming of the Lord will bring good to all His children, He will put them in a condition of no need, for He will give them everything in joy and happiness.
My children, oh you who serve Me, who follow Me, who love Me with all your hearts, behold I say to you in truth: wait for Me at My Cradle, behold the Holy Christmas will fill you with Himself, give you of His own light; you will shine in Him and radiate love and joy.
God's children will now meet their God Love: it will be forever! United in one heart one soul, they will enjoy the Beauty of their God, a gift of infinite love!
A new life, a new generation devoted to their God in absolute faithfulness will walk the New Earth barefoot; never again will they feel cold, nor hunger, nor misery, for all will be in the wonders of their Lord God, the King of kings!
Come, come and adore Baby Jesus in His Cradle, tell Him all your love and burning desire in you, for Him, to embrace Him!
Most Holy Mary will lay, on this Holy Night, her Little Child in the Cradle of Bethlehem, She will lay Him for the rebirth of the hearts of men! All will see His Beauty and His Light! Amen.
I bless God's holy people!
And behold, He is coming!
Source: ➥