Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Come Holy Trinity

This is Mary the Mother of The Trinity and the Most Holy Family. Rejoice and be glad for the Lord is with you and all My children in a stronger way than He was with the apostles until the Last Supper when they could eat His body and drink His blood. He is spiritually in you each time you receive Holy Communion in a state of grace.
My son, I know you and many of My friends have been suffering greatly. We are listening to your prayers and petitions. My children, your physical world is just like your spiritual world when you are doing a big job for your God. Sometimes you have to wait until the job is done until you receive any rest. It is just like in a war. Sometimes you have to fight day and night until the battle is over and won before you can rest. The battle you have been going through has been this kind of battle with satan because of all the conflict in Russia.
We can give extra graces and send more angels to help, but you have to endure the suffering like Jesus did on the cross in an extreme way as I was watching Him. You and your friends have to do the same. Just keep praying and begging for grace and we will give you rest when we can. You cannot take an army out of the battle in the middle of a battle or you would never win a war. The wars with satan are very vicious now, both physically and spiritually. Most of My children do not understand that there is a spiritual world war that goes on between countries before a physical war breaks out. If you win the spiritual war, it stops the physical war from happening or makes it less serious.
My children please keep praying the rosary and get to Mass and Confession as often as possible because you are in a major spiritual world war as I speak to My son. Prayers are the only thing that will stop it from turning into a physical world war that will cause millions to die. This is Mother Mary with serious words from The Trinity and all of Heaven by My side. Love Mother.