Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Saturday, November 28, 1998
Saturday, November 28, 1998
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Lesson on Humility
Jesus says: "I am Your Jesus, Born Incarnate."
"If humility is the root of every virtue, understand that Holy Love is the soil in which it grows. The tree that bears all virtue cannot thrive without roots and soil."
"Every virtue is practiced by a movement of free will. It is infused into the soul through the persevering practice of the virtue."
"First, the soul must choose Holy Love - the soil. Through love of God above all else and love of neighbor as self, the soul must practice humility."
"Humility is self-abasing, thus open to self-knowledge - even welcomes it. Humility then sees criticism as a grace, considers others more worthy of grace, esteem, reward than himself. Humility is happy with the lowliest job, and never seeks recognition for his efforts. Humility seeks to be hidden. Thus a person who claims humility is far from it."
"In Paul to Corinthians, Chapter 13, Paul describes Holy Love. This is also a description of Holy Humility."
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