Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Monday, March 5, 2001
Monthly Message to All Nations
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. They both turn toward the priest in the apparition room. Blessed Mother smiles at him and Jesus blesses him. Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
Blessed Mother says: "All praise be to Jesus."
Jesus: "My brothers and sisters, this day I will take your petitions into Heaven with Me and place them in My Sacred Heart."
"Today I come to address all people - all nations, and I say, unite under the banner of Holy and Divine Love - the sign of Our United Hearts. For this, my friends, is the way to lasting peace. This is the way of truth and life - everlasting life. This is the generation chosen and set aside through which I reveal this most significant revelation of the United Hearts. You are chosen to call down My Victory of Love into hearts and the world."
"It is through love Satan will suffer his defeat, cast into hell, and be chained there forever. This, I tell you, will be the outcome of all your rosaries and prayers offered with loving hearts. The love in your hearts as you pray calls down My Justice upon evil."
"I have opened My Heart as never before to this generation. The Chambers of My Sacred Heart call to each soul. Abandon yourselves to Me. Let Divine Love consume you. Let Divine Love consume the world. Comprehend the road I have laid bare before you - not one of passiveness but of apostleship. Neither grasp at what I offer in lukewarmness or out of self importance, but out of love for Me and the mission I give you. The world awaits this message."
"Today in the world you have many paradoxes. Science attempts to create new life through technology and at the same time destroys it by abortion. Cures are sought for disease while germ warfare is developed. In such ways Satan directs and deceives millions of souls away from the truth and onto the path of perdition. But within the Chambers of My Heart awaits the balm to soothe the heart of mankind - the wrench to remove Satan's grip upon the soul of the world - the Flame that will burn away iniquity and deceit."
"The springtime of this mission is here. The bud is opening. Nourished by the Holy Spirit, it is about to send the fragrance of this message around the world. On the wings of angels the flowering of this mission will be pollinated far and wide, for you do not propagate this message on your own, but through Heaven's grace. Understand that you have been given a great treasure in the message of the Chambers of My Heart. It is like gold tested in fire. Do not squander this treasure or let it be laid to waste in your heart, falling asleep in lukewarmness, but spread it amongst all you meet. For this is the mission I have placed in your hearts today."
"We're extending to you the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Source: ➥