Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, January 4, 1997
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber in Manaus, AM, Brazil

I am Peace. I give you my peace. Not the peace that comes from the world, but the peace that comes from heaven, that comes from my Sacred Heart.
Dear children, I am your Savior. I am your eternal Salvation and your dear Father. Pray and convert. Pray for my dear priests. My dear priests feel so alone, so helpless! Be a comfort to them, and go to them with my Peace and my Love.
Children, never judge any of my priests, because it is not up to you, but to me, to judge them. You are responsible for bringing my pure and holy Love to all my beloved children, by being obedient to them in everything. Your disobedience to my representatives, in this world, hurts my Heart very much.
Children, I love you, I love you, I love you with all my Sacred Heart. Never stay far from Holy Communion. Holy Communion is me alive in person: body, blood, soul and divinity, coming into your hearts to nourish you and help you in your human misery. You are all my beloved children and I love you.
Son, tell all my priests not to be discouraged. To all of them, I have given the power to touch the most hardened hearts and to overcome all the evils, of which the world is a victim today. If all priests understood the powerful value of their priestly ordination and of the very holy sacrament they have received from my hands, they would never abandon their vocation.
Sons priests, once again I repeat to you: wake up, wake up, wake up! I wish to give you all the graces. Come to my Sacred Heart and to the Immaculate Heart of your Blessed Mother. I ask of you, again, a great obedience to my beloved Pope, who suffers so much for each one of you. He cries out to me, asking for strength to carry out the great mission that I have entrusted into his Hands.
At this moment Our Lord appeared near Pope John Paul II. Jesus came to his side and placed His left arm over him, and with His right hand, He was showing the Holy Father His Sacred Heart. Jesus kissed him on the forehead and very kindly said:
Rest, beloved son, here in My Sacred Heart, and find your rest. Draw from My Sacred Heart all the graces necessary for you and for all My children throughout the world.
Then Jesus spoke to all of us:
Children, I hold you in my hands and by my hands I lead you along my paths: paths of green pastures, but also paths full of stones and thorns. Be patient. I too had to carry a heavy Cross in order to save you. Cheer up! Do not give up! I give you, at this moment, my eternal love. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!