Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Friday, January 14, 1994
Twelfth Message

"- The Church of My Son, Mystical Body, which is perpetuated in time! My children, pray a lot for the Church!
I come to help the Church, because I see its difficulties. Everyone help the Church, according to your possibilities! Work for this DIVINE Church, my children!
You will be filled with joy as you see 'shining', in great heavenly 'wonder', all the sacrifices of LOVE that you make for this Church!
O children, pray for the Church, pray for the Church! pray for priests, for bishops, and especially for my First Beloved Son, my Pope John Paul II, who now needs much prayer; He, who is a 'particular' Grace of my Heart for the Church.
Welcome My Messages; I have come only to help you! Pray that I may overcome all lies, spiritism, candomblé, and all other sects, so that the True and Christocentric LOVE of the Catholic Church may take root in every heart!
The 'smoke of Satan' has even entered the Sacred Enclosure! Let us perfume the air again with prayer, especially the Rosary. Do not close the Doors of the Church to Me! that I am the MOTHER OF THE CHURCH".