Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, April 2, 1994
Holy Saturday

Continuation of Revelation
From the Secret Pains of Our Lord Jesus Christ
(Marcos): (Our Lady appeared, the 'big window' opened again, the scenes came back, and while everything was going on, she told me:)
(Our Lady)" - After Jesus had been "crowned," they slapped Him on the Face, punched and kicked Him. Her diabolical laughter and laughter killed Him before it was time. They said:
(Soldiers and Pharisees) "Hail, King of the Jews! Where are YOUR subjects? Are YOUR subjects really so faithful to IT? O, the King of the Jews will die? Yes, he will!!"
(Our Lady)"- Laugh, they beat Him and beat Him more on the head. They threw a purple cloak at His back, in the King's fashion. Jesus was already stunned by so many blows, and so much pain. The Blood that flowed from the 'crown of thorns' glued His eyes on Him, and prevented Him from seeing anything. Pilate told them to bring Him out. He shouted:
(Pontius Pilate) "- Behold the Man!" Everyone shouted:
(Crowd of Pharisees) "- Crucify Him!!!" Crucify Him! was at this moment that I arrived brought by John, Mary Magdalene and other women, although I had seen all that happened to Him during the night and the morning, through the visions that the Most High granted Me.
I saw My Son being condemned. What a pain for HIM, to see that hallucinated crowd ask for His death! My Immaculate Heart 'trembled' at such great pain that no one could ever feel, know, or scrutinize it.
Pilate washed his hands, saying he was innocent of the Blood of Jesus. They brought Him the Cross. They put it on his shoulders and shouted to him to take it.
He could hardly see the way. It was not a beam, as many think, but a whole Cross. Jesus was for them the most wanted "criminal" in the whole region, so since they were able to arrest Him, they put all possible hatred on Him. They put a whole Cross on Him.
The people were all screaming along the way. They threw stones at Him on their legs.
The dust was sticking to the Blood that flowed from the 'crown of thorns', and He was completely prevented from seeing the path. It fell for 3 times. Each time it fell, they beat and stoned His legs. These beatings sank the nails even deeper into the legs of Jesus. He no longer had their government, so he could not walk anymore.
A man named Cyreneus appeared, and the soldiers, afraid that Jesus would die on the way, forced him to carry the Cross behind Jesus. I ran to meet my Son and waited for him at a point on the road with John, Mary Magdalene, and my sister, Mary of Clopas.
The bloody procession approached: no words. The Eyes spoke. The Heart spoke. He looked at me in the depths of his eyes, and in the Heart spoke:
"- My Mother!" and I, in an impetus of Pain and LOVE, said to Him:
"- My Son.
The soldiers pushed Him to walk faster. The people pushed Him from one side to the other with the Cross. This caused Me Mortal Anguish, without knowing what to do.
I offered Our Heavenly Father Our Two United Hearts, Wounded and Crushed, for Pain! There will never be another OFFER on the face of the Earth, capable of operating (supplying, repairing, satisfying DIVINE Justice) its REDEMPTION (the REDEMPTION of humankind) with GOD.*
*(The meaning of what Our Lady said here: No other Sacrifice can ever be equal to Her and to Jesus)
A woman, Veronica, passes through the soldiers with heroic courage and wipes the Face of Jesus. Jesus leaves her face printed on the towel. He showed everyone the towel with the printed Face so they would believe, but with a push from the soldiers, it falls to the ground. and the 'bloody procession' continues to advance.
Mary Magdalene helped Veronica get up. I told her:
"Bless you, My Daughter, for your witness among the ravenous wolves! GOD give You eternal life!"
Many women had been crying about her suffering. I saw My Son fall under the Cross the second time. The women rushed to help Him, but the soldiers stopped them. Jesus turned to them and said:
(Our Lord Jesus Christ)"-Daughters of Jerusalem. Do not weep for me. But weep for yourselves and for your children, for if this is the case with the Just and Holy One, what should not sinners expect?
If I, who am the most pure, am treated like this, what a terrible end will not the sinners have?
You have fallen a third time. My Tears rolled on and on. They became Bloody Tears, which I hid with My Cloak.
When they reached the top of Calvary, they crucified the two thieves. They tore off Jesus' tunic with brutality.
Have you ever had a dressing taken abruptly from your wounds after you were intimately glued to them? Then you can imagine what it was like for My Son Jesus to have his clothes torn off from Him, glued to His skinned flesh and wounds. The soldiers were saying to each other:
(Soldiers) "- Let's leave Him naked so that everyone can see Him!
When I heard this, I ran and gave Him My Veil Candido, so that YOUR nakedness might be covered. However, seeing My affliction, they strangely understood My gesture and desolation, and they did not totally take His garments from Him, leaving those that He was wearing under His tunic.
They began the crucifixion. They pushed Jesus and spread Him on the Cross. With great brutality they stretched out His Hands and His Feet, and with strong hammers they struck Him with their hands and feet.
Blood flowed incessantly. At the same time, my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart felt the same bruises breaking Him, crushing Him, and hurting Him. Nailed to the Cross, they punched, beaten and kicked Him in the Body.
They began to lift up the Cross with ropes tied to it. They suspended the Cross and threw it into a prepared hole. I heard the strong crash of the Cross into the ground, which made Him 'shake' violently from Pain.
From the top of the Cross, HE looked at the whole crowd that gathered at Calvary. No one had come to console, only to judge, to condemn. The soldiers and the Pharisees said to each other, and then they shouted, trying Jesus:
(Soldiers and Pharisees)"-You who saved others, save yourself and we will believe. Come down from the Cross!" Everyone laughed. Jesus murmured from the top of the Cross:
(Our Lord Jesus Christ)"-Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing!
We were admitted to the foot of the Cross, like the family of the dying man...One of the thieves also insulted Jesus, saying:
(The bad thief) "- Aren't you the Christ? But the other, Dimas, saw Jesus' patience in enduring so many insults, in praying for his own enemies. He saw his own life led without GOD, and he thought:
"- This man who even forgives his enemies, who endures all this, is the Son of GOD!
Dimas looked at Me at the foot of the Cross and murmured, asking Me to obtain his forgiveness from My Son. I looked at My Son, and asked Him to forgive him. Then Dimas answered the other thief:
(The Good Thief - Saint Dimas) "You, being on the verge of death, do not fear GOD? We are suffering because we deserve it, but Jesus did nothing wrong" and turning to my Son, he said:
(The good thief - Saint Dimas) "Lord, remember me when you are in your kingdom! Jesus answered him:
(Our Lord Jesus Christ)"-Truly, truly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise!". An immense darkness enveloped the earth, until the hour of Jesus' death. From time to time thunder and lightning struck.
Jesus saw Me at the foot of the Cross. He looked at me and said, "I am the one who has seen me:
(Our Lord Jesus Christ)"-Woman, behold, your son! And then he said to John:
(Our Lord Jesus Christ)"- Behold, Your MOTHER".
...from that moment on, I became the Mother of all men. The Blood that flowed from His Sacred Body joined My Tears of Blood that dripped on the dusty ground of Calvary.
At that moment, My Pain reached such a high point that no mind, neither human nor angelic, could ever peer.
At that moment also, the crosses of all future souls were shown to me by the Most High, and how much my Motherly Presence with them would help them to offer themselves also, in union with my Jesus.
From now on, I must be with all the sick and dying, to help them suffer and die, like a grain of wheat fallen to the ground, so that many souls may rise and be saved.
O children, feel My Sweet Presence beside your crosses, and give your hearts to Me!
(Note - Marcos):
(Our Lord Jesus Christ)"- Eli, Eli, lamma sabactani?" (My GOD, My GOD, why have you abandoned Me?) The Pharisees then began to vociferate with greater anger. Then Our Lord said:
"I am thirsty!" A soldier took a sponge, dipped it in vinegar, put it on the tip of a spear and gave it to him to taste. Then he cried out to Jesus:
"- Everything is consummated. . FATHER, in Thy Hands I commit My Spirit!" Jesus also gave a strong cry, saying:
"- MOTHER!!" And then he breathed out. He abandoned himself to the weight of his body, letting his head fall on his chest.
A great earthquake cracks the mountains and makes the earth tremble. Lightning and thunder rumble. A mysterious hand tears the veil of the temple. The centurion exclaims:
(Centurion) "- This really was the Son of GOD!"
The Pharisees wanted them to break their legs immediately, to be taken from the Cross because the Sabbath was already coming. They had also seen the Signs that were produced in Jesus' death, but their hearts were so obstinate, blind and hard that nothing else affected them. They looked at the Body of the Dead Jesus with total indifference and coldness.
The soldiers went and broke the legs of the thieves, who soon died. When they saw Jesus dead, they pierced his side to see if he had really died, or if he was just passed out. Blood and water flowed from the wound.
Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea arrived with the news that they had gotten permission from Pilate to come down and bury the Son of GOD from the Cross. He contemplated the Blessed Mother, pierced and plunged into desolation. Our Lady says:)
(Our Lady)"-Oh, my Heart felt torn apart from so much pain, and no longer had the strength even to cry. The Angel of the Lord, who descended into the Garden of Olives to comfort My DIVINE Son in His Agony, descended at that moment to comfort Me, for otherwise I would have died.
They went down the Arms of Jesus, and then they let go of His DIVINE Feet, and slowly placed Him in My Mother's Place.
I am the Mother of Pity! With what incomparable pain I received My GOD in My lap! I have brought My Lips closer to YOUR Sacrosanct Hands! That Pierced Head! The Feet shedding so much Blood.
O, all you who pass by, notice and see if there is pain, greater than My Pain?
Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemus, Mary Magdalene, and the other women put Jesus on a skiff, while I, immersed in an ecstasy of Great Pain, could hardly cry.
We put him in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea. The men rolled a large stone. Then we returned to Jerusalem, and so we spent the whole night in prayer and mourning, just like the Sabbath.
My children, spend these hours before the Resurrection in deep prayer.
Pray. This perverted world, dead and buried by sin, must rise again. Pray with me for the world! Pray for sinners!
I have revealed to you, my son, the Sea of Sorrows that Jesus and I endure and suffer for the redemption of humanity.
Be converted! Be converted! Convert! Repent of your sins! Therefore, dear children, united to me, the Mother of Sorrows, help me to transform this sinful world into an oasis of peace.
I, the Queen of Peace, have revealed to you 'a little more' of My Son's Passion, so that everyone can feel to what extent the LOVE of GOD has come to mankind.
Participate in My immense Mother's Sorrow by seeing that thousands of My children continue to reject the LOVE of GOD and therefore need conversion. Pray a lot! Pray a lot!
Today, on the Day of My Great Pain, I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
(Note - Marcos): (Of all that was shown to me, I would not be able to describe even the slightest part. However, as I was told, I reported how much I was able, even though I say that the impression and the effects that were produced in my soul, I feel them to this day.
It is as if the soul, mind, and body were surpassed by a 'force' which surpasses my nature immensely, reaching even the innermost depths of me, annihilating my forces, leaving me perplexed, unable to repeat what I saw in the breadth that I would wish to do.
Therefore, I affirm that of all that I have written here, I would have much more to report, which perhaps I should do later, on some other occasion, if Our Lady so wills)