Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, May 7, 1995
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

Dear children. (pause) today, I come with St. Gabriel to my right, and St. Michael to my left, with Jesus, to give you, my little children, my Message.
I AM THE WOMAN DRESSED IN THE SUN! I am the One, dear children, whom GOD sends to invite you to return to HIM, along the road of prayer, sacrifice, and penance.
The Crown of Queen of Angels, of Saints, and of all men has been placed on My Head by the Most Holy Trinity. but, dear children, I am also the Mother of Simplicity!
Simplicity, My children, is the virtue that gives them and helps them to live more and more the Grace of GOD in their hearts, and more and more it teaches them to look at the smallest things of their lives and to perceive in them the action of GOD, always willing to save man, no matter what the cost.
My children, if you want to please My Heart very much, be small, be simple of heart!
If I had, children, to walk through a garden looking at big, flashy flowers and little flowers, I would confess to you: I prefer the little flowers. If you, My children, want also to please My Immaculate Heart, be small, be simple, and so not only My Immaculate Heart, but the FATHER in Heaven will also rejoice for you, My sweet children.
I am the Virgin of Peace! I am the Mediatrix of Peace! I am the One who, with the simplicity of GOD's things, comes to bring the LOVE of the Lord to all your hearts.
I come here children, not to ask for a simple devotion to myself! I have come to ask you, all of you My children, to seek conversion as soon as possible and truly, My children. Many are those who claim to be My devotees, but do not do what I ask, do not do, children, what My Immaculate Heart cries out to you in these times!
My little children, if you knew how much LOVE is in my Immaculate Heart for you at this moment, you would cry with joy!
I am, little children, the One who understands your Hand! I don't want to leave you alone, My children, and that is why I came down from Heaven to help you, to give you Peace, to give you LOVE, My dear children.
I did not come to want the Glory for myself, but. I came to glorify my Son Jesus. Look at the wonderful works of GOD! From everywhere, I call you to form around the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and my Immaculate Heart, the most beautiful Crown of flowers, through prayer.
My Brazilian people are more than dear to my Heart: - They are beloved! And I promise, My children, that it is from here in Brazil that the Dove of Peace will fly, with Salvation, to all parts of the earth!
I wish these Messages to be transmitted throughout Brazil, and then to all the countries that I myself indicate. In the course of events, here in Brazil, I will plant My Garden.
My Garden is already being cultivated by Me here in Brazil, and I will take the seedlings of Grace, the seeds of LOVE, the seeds of LIFE, children, to all the other countries of the earth!
The action of My Immaculate Heart is everywhere, but. in a very strong way, it is here, in the Land of the Holy Cross! and here, My children, My TRIUMPHER will be built, day after day, by the action of the Holy Spirit!
I am, dear children, the Mother whom GOD sends once again to repeat: - Return to HIM along the road of prayer, conversion, sacrifice and penance!
My dear children, you who have come from far or near, are very dear to my Heart. Heavenly Mother embraces you at this moment, children, spiritually, and I welcome your consecration to my Immaculate Heart and to the Heart of Jesus, and I keep you more and more within me.
In my Immaculate Heart, in this Safe Haven, they will be defended and helped; they will be guarded and blessed; they will be converted and preserved in the Faith.
I am the Mother of Faith, Hope and Charity! and I have come, sweet children, to tell you that there is only one GOD, only one Faith, than a True Church. Only GOD is the One GOD, only the Catholic Faith is the way to Salvation! and I invite all My children, everywhere and everywhere, to come here and drink from the Source of Life and Truth, which is in the Sacraments, which is in Baptism, in Confession, in the Eucharist, which is the Flesh and the BLOOD, the Soul and the DIVINITY of My Own Son, which is given to them as Gift.
My sweet children, the Holy Spirit will soon descend upon all the earth and renew it at a Second World Pentecost that will raise the Church and you, my little children, to a high degree of holiness! This Pentecost is already happening here, in this Place, simple and poor, where I appear. on this Mount, where I enrich you more and more with the Peace of the Heart of Jesus, and in each Place where I manifest myself, where my images shed tears to call you to true prayer, to true conversion.
My dear children, here, today, Pentecost is happening: - So many children, from so many places, in so many ways, but. gathered by the FATHER and the Intercession of the Mother and Servant. All together, around the Lord and the Cross of my Son Jesus.
Oh, children! How great is my joy! Exult My Immaculate Heart! The Archangels at my side rejoice! Rejoice all the Celestial Court of GOD, all the Celestial Choir of GOD!!! The whole of Heaven celebrates as it contemplates them!
I ask you for the Rosary, dear children! The Holy Rosary will lead you to the perfect living of the Gospel. The Lord himself said in the WORD: Happy is the son who listens to the Precepts of his Father, like the one who builds on the Truth. Happy is the son who listens to his Mother's advice, for he is like one who gathers treasures for himself!
Yes, children, observe and live the COMMANDMENTS of the LAW of GOD! Live in Truth, and listen to My Advice! I have not come to make a new Church, nor a new Gospel, but to open your ears to hear My Son in the Gospel!
You do not read the Gospel, children, that is why I come to give Messages!
In every home, make a family Cenacle. Pray as a family, meditate on the WORD of GOD, meditate on my Messages, and pray the Holy Rosary!
To the family that makes the family Cenacle, I promise to give all the graces necessary for their salvation, and these souls will be loved by GOD, like flowers placed by Myself to adorn His throne and His Heart.
Dear children, the world forgot about GOD, and despised the LOVE of Our FATHER. and I come, children, with the Heart hurt by you, because I see the danger you are in.
Why do I appear so much, and in so many places?
Because I see, children, that time is running out, the years pass quickly; soon the hour of anguish will come, and woe to those who do not want to be converted! Woe to those who are not with me!
Like a thick layer of ice, hatred, sin, violence, disaffection, has covered the hearts of men and prevented them from feeling the LOVE of GOD. O my children, pray for your most sinful little brothers and sisters, and ask my Son Jesus for them!
I LOVE you, dear children, and hold you to my Immaculate Heart. Do not be afraid of anything! My Immaculate Heart follows in your footsteps, and leads you towards GOD.
As I conclude my Message, I give you my Blessing in this very dear month of my Immaculate Heart, and do not worry about the rain I have allowed you. I wanted to see if you really loved Jesus, and were able to offer sacrifices for Him.
My Heart is moved, children, before your perseverance in prayer. Continue, Jesus is very happy because of this sacrifice, children.
I will bless my most beloved Son, John Paul II, very much for this sacrifice that you offered me tonight. Know that a small gesture of penance from you is enough to take my Heart, and for me to melt and give myself in your arms, Full of Grace.
Yes children, to you Peace! to you My Blessing. in the Name of the Father. of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus speaks to you at this moment!"
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- My Children! Generation! Listen to My WORDS, My Lamentations that are for you at this moment, children, placed in your souls!
Beloved Children, I and My MOTHER look upon you (pause) with looks of Mercy. Dear children, I AM the Good Shepherd! I have come, and through the Gospel, redeem the sheep that the FATHER, through My Cross, blessed and adopted in YOUR PATERNAL HEART.
Today, my sweet children, is the Mission of my MOTHER and my Mission, to gather again the sheep that continue to stray from my fold, and lead them to the Colon of my Eternal FATHER.
I have come for the sick! I have come to heal the souls of poor sinners, of those spiritually ill, who need My Holy Spirit! who need the WATER that flows from My Heart, for their salvation.
Sweet children, as before My FATHER sent Prophets to announce that the Time of Salvation and Mercy had arrived, today I and My MOTHER come down again to tell you: - The Day of Mercy and Conciliation is approaching!
You judge the dear ones of my MOTHER, the Seers of my MOTHER and my Messengers, as impostors, liars and false. O children, why so hard? Signs are not lacking for you to recognize that the Hour of My Justice is already coming!
See how many times My MOTHER weeps, and you contemplate the Tears of My MOTHER in many parts of the earth, with indifference, without a drop of repentance in your heart for your sins, cast against Me like a Painful Sword! that pierce My Most Holy Heart.
My children, in the Eucharist many approach Me, but not to adore Me, but. to commit sacrileges! to commune with Me with mortal sin in their souls!
I implore you, children: - Do not abuse my Heart anymore! I appeal to the whole world! My voice cries out in anguish in this desert, and no one listens to Me. no one answers My call! My cry, My cry.
If you wish to be My servants, take your Cross on your shoulders and carry it behind Me! I gather into My arms all the sufferings offered by the sick; all the persecutions suffered by those who love Me. and I say to you: - I will hurry up the DAY of the TRIUMPHER OF MOTHER'S HEART and of my most holy heart, because I want, children, to crush the old serpent, the old enemy, so that you may be free! and to have My Holy Spirit in your hearts.
Sweet children, I come to your midst to proclaim My Messages!! to spread LOVE. the strong action of the Holy Spirit, that in these times I blow, more and more abundantly in all the earth.
John Paul II is My Peter! He is the Beloved of my Heart.
Truly I say to you: - Whoever does not obey the Magisterium of the Holy Father, the Pope, cannot do My Will! Whoever does not listen to Him, does not listen to Me! Whoever does not have LOVE for Him!! does not have ME for him!
Sweet children, I want to ask everyone to obey John Paul II. May you, O children, make of your hearts, welcome and support, through your prayers for Him, because He suffers so much! for He, whom I have made as the Father of humanity, contemplates the whole world away from Me, far from Me, immersed in sin, sleeping in the darkness of evil, and He suffers in communion with Me, and in communion with My MOTHER.
Pray the Rosary for the intention of the Holy Father, the Pope, that He may be like the Good Shepherd also, in order to lead My flock back to ME.
Beloved children, the world has become like an Antarctic: - Ice from evil everywhere. coldness; lack of prayer; lack of living my Holy Gospel; lack of Charity!
You devour each other by fury, violence, crimes, sin, like a lion devours prey. O children! How can you be so insensitive before My LOVE, before My Heart?
My MOTHER's images cry. Even the stones cry, children, because they are more sensitive than your hearts! You are harder than the stones!! so, children, you don't cry your sins and you don't pray, nor you work for the conversion of this world, away from ME and from My FATHER!
My children, My Sacred Heart never tires of blessing you; it never tires, children, of leading you more and more towards the Truth! My little children, my little lambs, I ask you: - Listen to My Voice! Fill the churches again for Holy Mass!
In Truth, children, the Holy Mass is the greatest Gift that I have left for you, for I have said to you with solemn WORDS, in the Order of COMMAND: DO IT IN MEMORY OF ME.
Everyone who participates in Holy Mass as My MOTHER asks, with an open heart and soul, participates in the Supper, sits WITH ME; I know him, and I will not leave him.
Therefore, O generation, O My children, as I told you last month, come to My Colo that is Mild, and to My Arms that are sweeter than the honeycomb.
Yes, in My Arms you will find sweetness, and relief for your suffering, children. but have confidence! Carry the Cross behind Me, and I will raise you up gloriously on the last day.
Behold, Behold, I Come, and I Come quickly! (pause)
To all I give My Blessing, the Sacrosanct Blessing of My Heart. Stay in the Peace of My FATHER. in the Peace of My Heart. in the Peace of My Spirit of TRUTH. (pause) Peace be with you!".
Our Lady
"- Dear children, I, your Mother, give you my final Blessing, and I smile for you. I give you, my children, my thanks for coming, for having responded to my call with humility. I bless you very much with the Heart!"
(Marcos) "- She sends kisses to all."