Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, October 23, 1995
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, thank you once again for the opportunity that you give Me to join you all at My side today in this day of penance. Thank you to all those who fasted and gave themselves to Me with love.
I wish, children, that you persevere more and more intensely in the path of LOVE. GOD continues wanting to give you Graces! but. a prayer group can only grow when each one opens his heart entirely to Me, so that I may enter it with the Graces of my Lord.
I desire, My children, to convert each one of you, but. you do not leave Me. So open your hearts! Allow Me to touch and do all these things in each one of you!
I recommend the Rosary, I recommend fasting, I recommend penance, so that your hearts can pour out the poison that was put out by Satan, so that GOD can put the perfume of holiness on you.
Many in the group have been converted with sincerity. I know sincere hearts, but. there are many who are still stubbornly betting. Betting means: losing faith, moving away from faith. Therefore, my children, I ask each one of you to redouble your prayers, because each day that passes, the hours drain away quickly, and I can almost no longer hold on to the event to come; so pray! pray!
Just as every Mother does not want to lose her child in the middle of the road, so I do not want to lose them either. So pray, pray, and pray. Do penance! I have been telling you this for almost five years now, but there are still some who have not wanted to hear me.
So, children, convert, pray! I will fill your pots, if each one opens the lid that closes him, the lid of his heart. Throw the stones of your heart, and open the way for GOD's Graces to pass!
I wish the Prayer Group to continue this week the novena to My Sorrowful Heart, if you want to obtain Graces. I will be very happy if some generous children can offer Me, in addition to the two days of fasting that I already ask for, the abstinence of flesh on Saturdays or Thursdays, especially in Honor of the Flesh of Jesus in the Eucharist! I will be very happy!
Therefore, my little children, pray, increase your sacrifices! I am with you! I lead you by my hand.
Thank you for the LOVE you desire. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".