Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, August 5, 1999
Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, I love each one of you, and I am happy to be with you and spend this day so beautiful.
My Birth Day is a Thanksgiving! It is a Light that shines, in this world shrouded in darkness.
The day of My Birth is a day of joy for My children! a day of sadness for Satan and the demons, for they have lost many souls, who were under his dominion.
The day of My Birth is a day of joy among the Angels of Heaven! it is a day of brightness among the Saints and Martyrs, and it is a day of hope for the Holy Souls of Purgatory.
The Day of My Birth is a day of consolation for the Church, so tried, so persecuted, so suffering on the roads of the world.
The day of my birth is a day of consolation for my children, who suffer because of me and because of my messages. it is a day when I console them, I love them, I hold them close to my heart.
The day of My Birth is a day of Peace, for so many hearts without Peace.
The day of my birth is a day of hope for so many of my poor children who groan in this world full of pain and suffering.
I am a sign of HOPE!!!
My Birth has brought into the world the possibility of the FOLLOWING OF THE SALVADOR!
My Birth brought to the world, the Flame of Hope and LOVE, that will never be extinguished.
My Birth is a reason for certainty for all My children, because just as I was born, I brought them the opportunity of the SALVADOR to come into the world, in the same way, I came before to say that HE will return, and take those who are HIS with HIM.
Thank you for having responded to my invitation to celebrate with me the gift of my life that the FATHER gave me!
I renew my requests: Pray the Rosary. Accomplish My Messages! all of them came out of the Flame of LOVE of My Heart, to all of you.
I pour out My Blessing on all of you now, in union with the Angel of Peace, the Angel of the Eucharist, and the Angel of the Holy Rosary, who came with Me on this day of Glory and Praise to the Most Holy Trinity, and to Her who is Your Servant, Your Daughter, Your Mother, and Most Beloved Wife".
(Marcos): (Our Lady was wearing a dress and a golden cloak, and on her waist a white sash. She had a Diadem with Stars on her head and the Rosary on her hands.
The Angel of Peace was on the right side, and the Angel of the Eucharist and the Angel of the Holy Rosary were on the left side. I asked Our Lady if she was happy with the presence of the people)
(Our Lady) "- I am very happy! Each one who came, I invited myself. I am very happy that many have responded to my invitation to come to my party!
What do you want from Me today, My child?"
(Marcos): "- I don't want anything. It is the Lady who has a birthday today who must want something?!"
(Our Lady) "- No. Today, as is My Feast, the Blessed Trinity has granted Me special graces to give you. I do not let myself be overcome in generosity. Ask Me whatever you want".
(Marcos): "- I ask you then to grant to all the people present who confessed a few days ago, and who are without serious sins, to have their temporal penalties erased.
(Our Lady) "- I grant what you ask of me. (Plotted the Sign of the Cross)
(Marcos): "- If you allow me to ask one more thing of Your Goodness, I would like to ask you that all those who are here with a sincere heart for You, be saved one day and go to Heaven.
(Our Lady) "- I grant. (Plotted the Sign of the Cross)
(Marcos): "Please, Lady, grant to this place the Grace of always being a Shrine, a place where prayer never ceases in the places where the Lady appeared, and give them the supernatural Power of GOD to be places of conversion, of Grace, of incessant prayers and Blessings".
(Our Lady) "- Ask My Son while you spoke, and He granted this Grace. Granted!"(He drew the Sign of the Cross)(Marcos): (The Virgin showed Her Heart full of Flames that went out in all directions, then said:)
(Our Lady) "Behold the Heart that loves men so much, and which is only paid with ingratitude. Love this Heart, and the Heart of GOD will love you too".
(Marcos): "- Do you want anything more from me?
(Our Lady) "No, today I don't want anything else. Just say goodbye to My children, participate in the Holy Mass with Faith, with LOVE, with respect, and they will be giving Me the greatest gift of today".
(Marcos): (The Angels turned their backs and opened a path of Light for Our Lady to return to Heaven)