Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, November 7, 1999
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

"- My children. (pause) I thank all of you who have returned today once again to hear the Message of my Immaculate Heart.
I invite each one of you to be converted, and to help all those you know, to be converted as well.
I give you My Messages, and I desire that each one of you (pause) become also a Message. I give you My Signs, in the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars, and I desire that you become My Signs, for those who do not believe.
In Bonati, I tried to inculcate the Consecration to my Immaculate Heart in the families, but Satan, using infamous and perverse men, hindered My Plans, however. he did not defeat Me.(pause) I will TRIUMPH in all the families, and expel Satan from all of them, just as the Angel Raphael expelled asmodeu from Sarah's house.
In Montichiari, I asked for the Consecration to my Immaculate Heart in an unrestricted and total way, especially of my favorite Sons,(pause) I was not heard. However, My Immaculate Heart will TRIUMPHER within the Church, and in her I will demonstrate all the Glory that the Most Holy Trinity has granted Me, and I will make the Church Pure, Immaculate, without wrinkle and without stain, following the example of its Heavenly Mother! I will raise the Church to a high degree of Holiness.
At Fatima, I asked for the Consecration of the world, and of Russia in particular, to my Immaculate Heart. I was not heard (pause) in time. Russia has spread her errors throughout the world, and the world has turned away from GOD and fallen into the great abyss of apostasy, (pause) however. My Immaculate Heart will TRIUMPHARY (pause) in Russia, who will be the people who will most glorify GOD, and in the whole world. and it will become clear in the eyes of all, the Great Task which the Holy Trinity entrusted to Me in these times .
I AM the Celestial Commander of GOD's Army! I am His Mother,(pause) and the Star who guides them to Jesus.
Pray the Rosary! A soldier cannot go to the fight without the weapon, or otherwise he will die! You cannot live without the Rosary, or else (pause) your souls will die!
Fasting, do penance! Worship my Son Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, and participate in Holy Mass with faith, love, and devotion.
Reread My Messages every day! May they be LIGHT for your prayers and for your encounters with GOD, through Me.(pause) Here, in Jacareí, My Immaculate Heart, though fought and persecuted (pause) by all, will TRIUMPHARY!!! and the whole world will be shown the Mercy of the Lord, who sent Me to this Place, full of Graces and Messages, to grant My children, (pause) and then, many will come, from the East and the West, to this point, to the Feet of the Mother, who calls everyone to enter the Safe Haven (pause) of My Immaculate Heart.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".
(Note - Marcos): (Then, after a few moments, everyone heard the seer Marcos Tadeu singing, accompanying Our Lady, an excerpt of the song:
!®- Glory, Glory to Jesus, the Name over the whole name. and then some time of silence followed, until Our Lord began to give His Message)
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- Generation! Here's how My MOTHER LOVES: - Singing to ME, from all the Heart! from all the SOUL!! and with all Your LOVE.
My MOTHER (pause) is the Faithful Star.
My MOTHER (pause) is the Ark of the Alliance.
My MOTHER (pause) is the Tabernacle of My Treasures!
My MOTHER(pause) is the Joy of My Heart!
My MOTHER (pause) is the Rainbow of the New Covenant of GOD with men!
My MOTHER (pause) is the Always Open Door of Heaven!
My MOTHER (pause) is your Heavenly Commander!
My MOTHER (pause) is the Horror of Satan!
My MOTHER (pause) is the VICTORY of GOOD, always right!
My MOTHER (pause) is the refuge of sinners!
My MOTHER (pause) is the Master of the Saints!
My MOTHER (pause) is the very Grace! that is given to you.
Generation! My Heart is already exhausted from asking you to become ME!
Generation! How long will you last? Generation! How long will you stop listening to My Voice, and follow the path that HE indicates to you?
Generation! Why don't you take off the mask in front of ME???. Why don't you allow ME to take off the scales that Satan has put in your eyes, and that prevent you. from seeing My LIGHT?
O Generation! how many places on earth have been blessed with the coming of my MOTHER, with the apparition of my MOTHER. How many places on earth have been blessed with My Presence, My Miracles, My Signs, and My Manifestations. and yet, generation, you do not turn your heart to Me, you do not listen to Me! and you do not want to listen to Me.
Generation! Behold, natural disasters are already happening, and they will increase next year! if you do not convert, and do not return to ME.
O generation! Listen to My Voice!
Latin America will be very punished! because of its impurity.
Europe will be hard hit by your materialism! by your pride, and by your indifference. after so many trials of LOVE, that I gave to that Continent.
North America will be! largely annihilated. because it doesn't listen to My MOTHER, and even more, ridicules her, and still stubbornly stays in disunion, and in the separation from TRUTH.
I will have mercy on Africa, though only from a few places.
I will have mercy on Oceania! although in a few regions.(pause)As for Asia, I will show it the Right Way. If she does not want to listen to Me, I will be obliged to give a course to My Justice.
As for Brazil, if it does not return to ME through the means I give it, which is My MOTHER, with Her Messages!(pause) Brazil will go through a hard test , because it remains rebellious to My Voice.
However, you can change My Sentences and My Laws! My Justice is Great, but My Mercy supersedes My Justice! when you convert and do as I say. Everything can be changed with your conversion and your prayer!
But listen generation!!! Do not try to deceive Me! for I know your principles, and I know all your thoughts and all your desires, and before you execute them, I already knew them, I already knew them, and I know how to put an end to your audacity.(pause)Generation! Come back humiliated and contrite My feet, like Mary Magdalene! and I will forgive you.
May the men of this generation (pause) look at my Sacred Heart and leave. model by HIM.
HE is the Sun! that whoever looks at HE, does not go blind.
HE is the Sun! whoever looks at HE, even if he is blind, will see.
HE is the Sun! that whoever looks at HE, even though he is dead, will live.
Cultivate more love for my Sacred Heart, and the Immaculate Heart of my MOTHER! Do not forget the Most Beloved Heart of St. Joseph, my beloved Adoptive Father.
Have particular devotion to your Guardian Angels, and to your Saints of Devotion! Ask them to teach you how to love Me. (pause) Ask them to be your guides, as Raphael was to Tobias a guide, who led him (pause) to the safe goal. Yes, They will lead you to ME! They will lead you, through My MOTHER, to ME.
Pray for the Pope!
Go to the Miraculous Source! Drink from it! Wash yourselves in it! Take this Miraculous Water home, and give it to the sick! Give it to the sinners! Sprinkle your houses with Her, make the Sign of the Cross on the door with Her, and I will guard your house.
Above all, wash your mouth with Her, (pause) so stained by bad words, so stained by criticism! and lack of love for others.
Wash your hands, which so many times did sin, which so many times(pause) wounded My Heart! and the heart of your neighbor.
Wash your eyes, that for so many years of your life have walked in darkness, without ME!!! without Faith!! without LOVE!
Wash your feet, that so many times you have walked the roads of sin, you have walked the roads of evil, of selfishness, the roads that have taken you away from Me!(pause)Wash your souls in this Water!! and they will become more targets than snow.
Be converted. Convert yourselves.
I ask of you a sacrifice: - for nine Fridays, pray the Way of the Cross, meditate on My Sufferings,(pause) and kneel before Me in the Blessed Sacrament. Offer that hour in displeasure to my Heart, and to the Heart of my Sorrowful Mother. Offer. for the conversion of sinners.
I bless you in the name of the Father. Son. and Holy Spirit."
Our Lady
"- My children, do whatever Jesus tells you! WE LOVE you all very much, and we care for you all, tirelessly.
OUR TWO Hearts will be like a Sun, illuminating your path. Remain (pause) in the Peace of the Lord".