Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, March 7, 2000
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message of Our Lady

"- My children.(pause) I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace, the Lady of Sorrows, the Virgin of the Medal of Peace.
I wish to tell you: - convert. convert. convert. You should all change your lives as soon as possible.
People who live 'in bondage', without being married in the Church, are living in mortal sin, and they must repent. do penance for this sin, and try to get married in the Church, so that they may be blessed by GOD. (pause) I suffer for every child of Mine who lives 'in bondage' in this world, without the Sacrament of Marriage. without the Grace of GOD.
Those who use drugs must stop using them, because they offend My Son Jesus and Me so much.(pause) I suffer. I feel 'pain' for every My child who is a slave to drugs. I pray for their conversion, and I wish that everyone would do the same.
Renounce spiritism! it is Satan who dominates you! he deceives and enslaves you, in spiritism. GOD is not there! My DIVINE Son Jesus Christ is not there! I am not there! It is Satan with all his caterpillar of evil spirits who is there to deceive them.
Renounce the sects, renounce everything that is contrary to the True Catholic Faith. Pray the Rosary.
Renounce pornographic magazines, indecent and provocative music; the fashion, more and more immoral.
That women do not go to church in short, low-cut clothes, because this offends My Son Jesus and Me too much. May men also not go to the Church in short, low-cut clothes, because this offends My Son and Jesus. They go to the Church dressed with great simplicity, respect, decency, and above all, with a lot of `prayerposture'.
Do not curse. Do not curse anything and nobody. Pray!
When you arrive at the Church, do not talk; wait for Holy Mass in prayer.
Parents should not give chewing gum, gum and other things for their children to eat during Mass, because this offends My Son Jesus and Me too much. Parents must teach their children to pray and to behave with pity and love during Mass.
I wish that the young people do not date during Mass, but that they concentrate, kneeling in deep prayer before My Son and Me, so that Holy Mass may be for them, a true encounter with GOD.
The Holy Mass is the greatest prayer of the Christian, and for this it must be done with all LOVE. all devotion.
Wear the Medal of Peace with LOVE, piety, devotion. Spread it to everyone you meet. Here is the Mission that I entrust to all of you.
Pray for the Pope. Pray for the Church. Pray for the souls of Purgatory. Pray for the conversion of sinners. Pray for the conversion of the United States, Russia, and all Nations without GOD, which are spreading sin throughout the world, so that they may stop spreading their errors.
I love you and bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ
"- Generation! I wish the Medal of Peace (pause) to spread as soon as possible throughout the world! May all Nations receive the Medal of Peace! may not a soul escape! to the LOVE of My MOTHER, demonstrated in this Medal.
Generation!!! listen to Me!!! love Me!!! listen to Me!!! obey Me.
I have been searching for `alm victims' throughout the world, to share with them My Cross, My Crown of Thorns, My Flagellation, My Crucifixion, and My Sorrows, but...souls do not want to accept them. Souls want my predilection, they want my graces, they want my favors! but they don't want to unite with me in my passion, in my pain, and in my suffering.
When I leave them a bit of the Cross, through sickness, through a problem! then they rebel and rebel against Me.
I desire that souls be more generous! and more loving towards ME. A soul that does not accept My Cross! cannot say it is My Disciple.
May generous souls present themselves before Me, praying and interceding. and accepting to suffer for the souls of sinners, so that for them there may still be salvation.
As meek lambs, let you be presented by My LOVING MOTHER, so that you may be 'victims'! for the salvation of other souls.
Whoever does not take his cross, and does not follow Me! will not be worthy of Me.(pause) Whoever rejects the cross, rejects Me. Whoever does not accept the cross, does not accept ME. and I will not accept it in my KINGDOM.
You must therefore ask. the MOTHER OF sorrows! to teach you how to suffer. to help you suffer, every day.
I wish that your souls (pause) consume themselves of LOVE for ME. This is why I and my MOT gave you the Holy Medal of Peace and the Holy Source of Graces, which runs 'in this place'. so that your hearts would burn with LOVE for US! So that your hearts would have the ice of indifference and sin melted! and your hearts could become `fornaces' of LOVE for US.
Be Our Apostles! Take it! Speak!!! Spread OUR Messages to the whole world!!! Here is Our desire.
Do not fear those who persecute you!!! Do not fear those who curse! and deny OUR apparitions here in Jacareí, because they will be like 'wood', burning in 'eternal fire'. They will not escape from My JUSTICE.
You, have courage!!! Carry OUR Messages forward! and do not fear, for I am with you. I will speak for you!!! I will act through you, and it will be My Grace! to win the souls of poor sinners for My Father.
My Heart is `calling'. It is `spitting' (pause) for pious souls, who live in `the state of Grace', who live in My Presence! who please Me, who praise Me, who love Me, more with life! than with words.
You promise much, but you do little. I want you to do much! and promise little. because the much that is promised, and is not fulfilled! will do nothing.
I want works! Works of LOVE! Works for the salvation of souls!!! Works that ME glorify.
Live OUR Messages, which we have given you during all these years, because soon, you will no longer have them, and you will cry. for this Grace(pause) that you did not know how to value.
I desire that you listen to OUR Messages! and put them into practice.
Pray for the whole world! Pray for Latin America! Pray for Brazil! Pray for your families! who have offended ME so much. Many times I have wished that I would let My Arm and My Justice fall upon you. THAT LOVES you so much! ME has hindered you. I have been begging you to wait! still a little.
In attention to LAS, I have postponed the Punishment, but soon it will come, because I can no longer tolerate sin. So be converted! watch and pray! because you know neither the 'day' nor the 'hour'.
I love you. I love you very much. and I keep you in my Sacred Heart. in the Name of the Father. of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit. (pause) Remain in Peace".
(After praying a Hail Mary, an Aspiration to Jesus, an Aspiration to Mary and another to St. Joseph, commented the Seer Marcos Thaddeus:)
"Today Our Lady and Our Lord came entirely in white, and when they gave the Message they were very smiling; in some parts only they were a little more serious, more serious, but in general they were serene, kind.
They blessed everyone present, especially the Medals of Peace that each one is taking home. On their side there was an Angel. An Angel on each side, an Angel on Our Lady's side and one on Jesus' side, and TWO in the middle.
When HIS HANDS blessed, out of HIS HANDS came `beams of LIGHT', which landed on all those present, and blessed everyone.
When Jesus spoke of the Source, in the middle of His Message, HE turned His Head towards the Source below and smiled, very cheerfully, as if pouring out YOUR Grace again upon that Source, which is already more than blessed, which is Sacred indeed.
And they promised me that they will continue, that Our Lady will continue to appear every day, and HE will continue to come with her on the seventh of every month. Praise to Jesus, Mary and St. Joseph. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".