Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Message of Divine Holy Spirit

(Report-Marcos): Today, the Lord appeared to me the Holy Spirit. He looked at me with predilection and affection. He said to me:
Divine Holy Spirit
"I, the Divine Spirit, the Three Times Holy, continue to cast the intense rays of My Grace upon the earth. I am the same yesterday and today, and I will also be the same tomorrow. I am the one who worked wonders in the first apostles and disciples of the Son, of Jesus the Word, and I continue to work today with the same profusion and mercy of that time. Those who deny that I am working today and that I am coming down upon my creation are wrong. I continue to descend upon all those who believe in Me and call upon Me sincerely through Mary. I, who worked so many signs in the time of the apostles, continue today to work the same signs in the places of the Apparitions of my beloved Spouse. Yes, each manifestation of Her is made by Her Immaculate Heart united to Me, and We together work for the conversion and salvation of souls. I work with Mary and it is with her, and with her alone, that I will work until the end of the world. To say that I do not work wonders in the Apparitions of Mary is to say and teach that I do not exist and I do not work in My own creation. Take care not to commit the sin of blasphemy and denial of My Works of Grace operated in the Apparitions of Mary, for this sin will not be forgiven, neither in this life nor in the next. I, the Lord, live, and I will make alive all who approach me and bring the sign of the Mother of God in their soul".
(Report-Marcos): "Then he blessed me, spoke particularly to me and disappeared.