Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
3rd Apparition of this day of the 16th Anniversary of the Apparitions of Jacareí
Revelation of the Holy Hour of Angels

Message of Mary Most Holy
"-Son, on this last visit of this day, we have come to give you the blessing and to our beloved children!
Son, the time has come! It is Our solemn wish and order: That every Tuesday at 9:00 p.m. the HOUR OF THE SAINT ANGELS be done; when numerous graces of conversion and salvation are poured out upon the whole earth!
With 10 minutes of meditation on the Holy Angels;
Followed by the Crown of Holy Angels, which you will compose and present to us;
Message of the Holy Angels;
Sung Litany of the Holy Angels, invoking the Angels who appeared here;
Pray to the Holy Angels;
Consecration to the Holy Angels; and;
Final Song!
Wherever this TIME is made, copious blessings will come down from our Hearts. The Holy Angels will be drawn to where it is done and will protect the people, homes and places where this Sacred Prayer is heard.
The Holy Angels will cast out and bind the evil spirits where THIS TIME is made, above all; the demon Asmodee, destroyer of family and youth. This TIME will shake and annihilate hell, with its hordes [1][1] and plans.
Start now son! So that as soon as possible the HOUR OF THE SAINT ANGELS will be made and propagated.
This TIME will free many captives from the devil and prepare souls and the world for the Triumph of our Hearts!
Son of peace! Our Beloved, peace".
[1]1] horde: undisciplined gang that surrenders to devastation and assaults; guerrilla; gang