Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Message of Saint Joseph

Dear children. I JOSÉ, bless you today on the 1st Sunday of the month, day of My LOVE HEART.
Children, TEMPERANCE is a sister of PRUDENCE.
TEMPERANCE applied in eating; it will preserve you from gluttony and obesity.
Applied in drinking; it will free you from destroying your body and your health through drunkenness.
Applied in the thirst of news and euphoria; it will free you from risking your life in dangerous things.
Applied in the thirst for wisdom; it will prevent you from becoming proud and arrogant!
And applied in your speech; it will deliver you from passing evil through the tongue.
With PRUDENCE, with TEMPERANCE in your manner of dress; it will prevent you from setting a bad example!
Applied to your laziness; it will prevent you from becoming vagabonds!
In this way your being will become more and more free of human defects! And you will begin to approach that model of sanctity, which is the Holy Virgin herself and JESUS CHRIST himself!
With PRUDENCE, with TEMPERANCE; you will avoid everything that is harmful to your souls and your bodies, and then you will be able to enjoy the perfect balance, the perfect freedom to reach the perfect happiness of the children of GOD!
Marcos, I bless you with all who truly believe and obey Our Messages.
Pray more! With your prayers this year I will be able to accomplish great things in you".