Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Feast of Divine Mercy

(MARCOS): "Yes, My Lord. Yes."
"-Loved children of MY SACRED HEART. Today, with love I bless you all. I pour out upon you the effective graces of my DIVINE MERCY, to purify you, to fill you with grace, to raise you higher and higher, so that you may come to me, so that you may unite with me and live in me.
Today you remember My apparitions to My little daughter FAUSTINA KOVALSKA, for so many years in Poland, to whom I entrusted My messages of love, the messages about the unfathomable abyss of My goodness and mercy and the call to all humanity. To return to Me, to return to My Arms with confidence turning to My Divine Mercy.
But My Appeals, My Calls were in vain for many because the majority of humanity did not accept My invitation, to return to Me the Lord of their salvation and peace, through the door of Mercy, which I so generously opened to the whole world through My Holy Daughter FAUSTINE and through which I offered to humanity the whole Ocean of My Mercy. Indeed, humanity continued to walk the paths of sin, death, violence, selfishness, apostasy, atheism, and so many other satanic things that My enemy offered to man and man because he did not love Me, because his heart was hardened, he accepted. Many effectively preferred darkness over God, and because mankind continued on this path of self-destruction, sin and death, so many souls were lost for all eternity.
Many souls could have been saved if the Messages I entrusted to My FAUSTINE Daughter about My Goodness and My Mercy had been communicated, transmitted and announced to the world.
But what did those who were to spread Her Messages do? They denied them, persecuted them, forbade them, silenced them and hid them. That is why so many, so many souls have been lost forever, opening in my Heart a very painful wound that makes Him bleed with sorrow and pain.
You, My Children, must console My Heart, close the wounds that have been opened in It, by the loss of so many souls: with your love, with your devotion to My Divine Mercy, with your total surrender, the total surrender of your life to My Heart that I have been asking of you for so many years. Only in this way will you close the wounds of my Heart, with the balm of your love, and then will you make my Heart rejoice with joy.
The World has not changed at all since I warned My servant FAUSTINA KOVALSKA. And because it hasn't changed anything, because it is always getting worse and worse, because it is becoming more and more deaf to My Voice, I will send that great Punishment that I predicted to My Daughter FAUSTINA.
Yes, I sent the MERCY DAY, but they did not want to. Therefore, I am sending the DAY OF JUSTICE, from which no one will be able to escape, and how great this Justice will be for men.
I have opened the door of Mercy, I have left this door of Mercy open for all mankind, this door which is My own Holy Mother in Her apparitions Here and in so many places on earth continually warning you, warning you, calling you, fighting for you.
But men have not wanted to enter this Door, they reject My Mother, they reject Her Messages, they play with and they do not give themselves up to My Mother, they do not consecrate themselves to My Mother, they resist My Holy Spirit. Soon I will close the Door. Soon My Mother will withdraw, She will recollect and you will no longer hear Her Messages. Then I will open the Door of My Justice and I will make all those who closed their hearts to My Mother and to Me enter through Her. and after they have entered through Her, they will be introduced into the sea of fire and brimstone that will never be extinguished, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth forever.
Hurry my children! Time is running out, My Mercy to you is still being offered every day from the top of Heaven. Open your hearts and if I hear your YES from you I will come to you hurriedly, faster than the wind, I will envelop you, I will embrace you and I will introduce you into My ocean of Mercy and there you will be much more intimately united to Me than the little child in His Mother's womb.
Continue with all the prayers that I have given you here, that My Mother has given you here, for through them I pour into your daily lives an unfathomable river of Mercy.
I want your Heart! Give Me your YES, you my son who hears me now, I want your Heart, I want to be your Lord, I want to rule you, I want to direct you, I want to unite myself so ardently, so deeply and admired with you that you, like a metal thrown into the furnace, melt into me and may merge into me. Give me your heart and I will enter it at this very hour.
To all, I bless you generously at this time".
(MARCOS): "-I will continue yes. (Pause) Yes, as the Lord wills. Thank you very much! From the bottom of the Heart, thank you very much! (Pause) Yes My Jesus, you know that I am all yours and I will always be yours, always yours! (Pause) Yes, together. We, always! (Pause) See you soon!