Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Anniversary Party of the Apparition of La Salette
Message from Our Lady

My beloved sons, today you commemorate My Appearance in LA SALETTE that occurred so many years ago in 1846 to My two little children MAXIMINO and MELANIE. I, My children, came to La Salette to announce the decisive battle that I would fight against My adversary and the most certain Triumph of My Immaculate Heart.
My Immaculate Heart will surely triumph, and I will crush at the end of these end times that you are living, of this battle that I am fighting against My enemy, I will crush Satan, My Immaculate Heart will triumph, and bring definitive peace to all the earth. Trust in My Heart, therefore, and always keep in mind that My Message of La Salette, that My Appearance of La Salette is for you a proclamation of hope.
My Appearance at La Salette is a proclamation of hope for you My children, who are living in this difficult time of the great tribulation of the final times, lest you ever despair, lest you ever be discouraged, because your heavenly Mother already in 1846 announced Mine, My definitive victory for the little Shepherds Maximino and Melanie, and therefore, I already know all that My enemy was going to do and I know how to defeat him in the end and reduce him to nothing and finally bring you and the whole world peace.
My Appearance of La Salette is a sign of hope for you, it is a proclamation of hope that makes you always more believe that your heavenly Mother is the Woman dressed in the Sun, the Immaculate Conception, the one who crushes the head of the infernal serpent and makes the love of Christ, the Truth, the love of God triumph over all the evil of the world, the devil and sin.
My Immaculate Heart will triumph, and you who are My children, who are My servants, My faithful vassals, who obey My Messages, who do all that I tell you in My Messages, you will triumph together with Me, and you will enter that Kingdom of peace, happiness, grace, and glory that I and the Lord, that I and My son Jesus have prepared for you, and that we wish you every day to attain, conquer, and possess.
I am with you, My children, in all your sufferings, and I will never abandon you! My enemy wants to make you think that you are alone, but I am always with you, always at your side! God never abandons you, and my Immaculate Heart never, never departs from you. My gaze is always upon you, and it never loses sight of you, it never leaves you alone, that is why My children:
Pray! Pray always more! Pray the Rosary!
Pray all the prayers I have given you, because it is through prayer that you will triumph over the devil, the world, evil and sin. And it is through prayer that I will bring ever more My children, My army faithful to the sure and definitive victory against all evil, against My enemy, against Satan.
Through prayer My little Shepherds Maximino and Melanie have overcome and they are reigning with Me in glory forever! You too will overcome everything and with prayer you will reach Heaven, where I look forward to embracing you and introducing you to those delights, to those happiness, to those endless joys that I and the Lord have prepared for you in Heaven.
My Immaculate Heart will triumph, as I said in La Salette and Fatima:
My Immaculate Heart will triumph in the end.
Pray! Pray! Pray!
To all at this moment, I generously bless La Salette, Fatima and Jacareí".