Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Feast of Saint Barbara
Message from Saint Joseph

"-My beloved children, my Most Loving Heart blesses you today and gives you peace again.
Pray more! Pray deeply! Pray intensely trying to fulfill the Messages that We have given you. My Most Loving Heart is your school of holiness, in which you must advance more each day and grow in the teaching of love.
Walk in the path of holiness of My Most Loving Heart, obeying all the Messages I have given you, doing all that We, Our Sacred Hearts have taught you here, so that ever more your love may increase, the perfection of the holy virtues in you may be improved, and the beauty of the radiance and perfection of the Blessed Trinity itself may be perfectly reflected in you, perfectly manifested in you, to the whole world.
Walk along the path of the holiness of my Most Loving Heart, walking ever more in the steps of renunciation of yourselves, of personal mortification, of contempt for the vain glories of this world, so that ever more, living a true life hidden in God, your soul may be filled ever more with the Lord and there may be ever more space in it for the Holy Spirit, for His Love, for His Grace: to dwell, to act and to reign in your hearts.
Walk on the road and in the school of holiness of My Most Beloved Heart, making your hearts become the saints of the saints of My Heart. The shrine where the flame of love of My Most Loving Heart crackles, burns, burns without ever running out of the oil of the sanctuary lamp, that is, without ever ceasing to act in you, without ever seeing the desire to burn together with the flame of My Heart, to act together with Me, to work together with Me for the conversion of the world and for the establishment of the Kingdom of Love of Our Hearts in all souls. So that in this way, being truly my saint of saints, my living sanctuary, my flame of love may truly burn in you without ceasing and may spread and burn in all the hearts you encounter until it makes the whole world become one living fire of love.
I am with you at all times and will never leave you alone. Pray more! Meditate more! And place all your hope in my Most Beloved Heart, which no son of mine has ever defrauded or forsaken.
To all of you at this moment I generously bless you and all the objects that are with you".