Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Message From Our Lady And Saint Geraldo Majella - Communicated To The Seer Marcos Tadeu - 23rd Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Marcos): "Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes, as the Lady wishes, I will do. Yes. Did the Lady like what I did today? Did it look good? Yes. Yes, I will proceed yes."
(Blessed Mary): "Beloved children of Mine, today, again I invite you to pray with the heart. Only with prayer made with the heart will your souls know God's will for you, know what is still in you that displeases the Lord and what you need to change in you. Only with the prayer made with the heart will your souls get out of all the spiritual confusion in which they are, confusion generated by your sins, by your resistance to accept God's will, to leave your attachments and your disordered desires that prevent you from walking forward on the path of holiness with a decided heart and a firm step.
This spiritual confusion generated by the inner division of your hearts, coupled with your lack of prayer and long distance from God, is what causes you to make so many mistakes and so many blunders in your lives. Only prayer with the heart can again enlighten your inner self, guide your soul and your life, and make you see the wrong path that you so often walk thinking you are doing good, when in fact you are walking your own path, the path of sin, and not God's path. So, little children, pray with your heart, now more than ever, so that this prayer truly shows you your soul all leprous of sins, so that you can then find in prayer, in the grace of God, in the reading of the lives of the saints, in the meditation of My Messages and in the prayers that I have given you Here the effective remedies to heal you of all spiritual sickness.
I am very happy with the progress of many of you, I am happy because many of you have truly decided for Me since you began these daily transmissions of My apparitions and the daily Cenacle that My little son Marcos makes for you, and that is so rich in My graces, in My blessings, in My lights, and that for those who truly open their hearts, value these Cenacles and put all of this in the first place, it is truly a true School of Perfection and Sanctity.
Thanks to the yes that My little son Marcos gave Me twenty-two years ago, I have been able to make My Holiness School here grow over all these years and now I make this School of Salvation reach all the ends of the earth making it even a Worldwide Holiness School. And if you, My children, answer Me yes today with all your heart, I will make it so that through you many more souls will also find the way of salvation, the way of sanctification through My apparitions here and reach Heaven safely.
I bless you all now generously and thank you for all that you have done for Me, for all that you, My children, have accomplished to make Me more known and loved by making known to all My children, My Appearances Here and by spreading My Messages. By being faithful to this Transmission of My Appearance every day and coming to Me Here every day with your heart, to learn to love God and to love Me too and to obey Our will.
I bless you all and especially you Marcos, who today once again proved to Me your great love by making yet another new Meditated Rosary for Me, while you were recording this new Rosary the demons were paralyzed and could not move, the gates of hell were closed and not a single soul went there, the rays of Divine Justice which were to punish the world for its crimes and sins did not fall, the Justice of the Lord was placated and in its place a great and immense shower of graces and blessings and mercy fell upon the whole earth and especially upon My children, who are now hearing Me with their hearts in this transmission.
Therefore, My dearest son the hardest working and most obedient of My children I bless you now and all My children who hear Me, who love Me and who obey Me with love from Fatima, from Garabandal and from Jacareí."
(St. Geraldo Majella): "Beloved brothers of Mine, I, Geraldo come once again to bless you and give you peace. I love you immensely and desire to help you all to reach Heaven to be happy together with Me for all eternity and to praise the Lord with Me with all your heart.
Place your treasure in Heaven, hide it, keep your treasure in Heaven where the thief does not steal, the moth does not moth and the rust does not corrode and there your treasure will truly await you so that on the day of your departure from this world you will find it intact to give you glory, beauty, endless happiness among the Angels of God in His kingdom of eternal glory.
Guard your treasure in Heaven by loving God above all things, seeking to please Him with holy fear, that is, seeking by all means to serve Him, obey Him, and fearing and fleeing from all that displeases Him, hurts Him, and offends Him. In this way God will be your treasure, and He will be kept for you in eternity to be your inheritance for ever and ever. If God is your treasure and not the vain things of this world then truly you will be rich for all eternity and great happiness will await you once you leave this world to go and enjoy the glory of God for all eternity.
Store your treasure in Heaven, making the Mother of God your treasure, making the Mother of God your treasure. If your treasure is Her, if you obey Her Messages, if you put Her first with Her Messages and despise your corrupted will and desires, then truly, She will enrich you more and more each day and your wealth, your spiritual prosperity will go from increase to increase day by day, until on the day of your departure from this world it will be completely full, total, complete and then, together with Her in the eternal glory you will enjoy the eternal goods that never pass and that God will give you as a prize for your great love and obedience to His Blessed Mother.
Guard your treasure in heaven, trying to send there every day your prayers made with love, with the heart, with perseverance, with faith and obedience, your small sacrifices offered in atonement for your sins and the sins of the whole world, your small penances so that God may truly purify your soul more each day, and also your good works doing works to glorify God, to make Him and His Blessed Mother better known and loved as we Saints did, as Marcos does, as the obedient Seers of the Mother of God do working every day to make Him better known and loved. Also doing good works of mercy to your neighbor, working for the conversion of your neighbor, for the sanctification of your neighbor, so that your neighbor can one day also get to Heaven and be happy with God there forever.
By teaching the ignorant, by teaching those who do not know God and His Mother, to know and love Him, you truly hold a great treasure of merit in Heaven, and this treasure will ultimately be your inheritance, your happiness and your joy for all eternity.
I, Gerard, kept My treasure in Heaven, My treasure was God, it was Mary Most Holy, My prayers and good works, and now I am in Heaven, happy, prosperous forever, owner of a happiness that will never end, and if you imitate Me, this will also be the beautiful destiny that will await you in Heaven.
I bless you all at this moment, all of you who listen to Me now with love and whom I love so much, you who obey the messages that We give you here, and for this reason, you are the precious little flowers that I cultivate, keep, and make grow more and more with love every day in the garden of holiness of the Mother of God.
To all of you and especially to you Marcos, the most ardent of My devotees and My imitators, I bless you generously now."
(Marcos): "See you soon."
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