Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Message From Our Lady - Communicated To The Seer Marcos Tadeu - 108th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Blessed Mary): "Beloved children of Mine, today I come full of love to bless you, to give you My peace, and to say to you: be pure gold, be pure gold of virtues, be pure gold of holiness and of true love for God.
Do you perhaps know why it was said of Me in the Book of Songs: At your right hand the Queen adorned with gold of of ofir? This gold was the gold of Love that adorned My soul from top to bottom in every moment of My life, and with which I became extremely beautiful, pleasing and loved by the Most High. It is this purest gold of ofir that I wish you also to have in your souls My children, because you are My children, the Queen's children, and children must dress as their Mother dresses, so have in your souls the pure gold of ofir, of virtues, practicing all the virtues to the highest degree as I have practiced, as the Saints also practiced heroically, cultivating each day more in you humility, love, zeal for the things of God, temperance, piety, the holy fear of the Lord, fortitude, perseverance, holy prudence, justice, magnanimity, and all the other Virtues that I have so much asked and exhorted you to practice here throughout the years. If you do this your soul will also be clothed with the purest ofir gold of the perfections, of the virtues with which I Myself have been completely clothed, then you too will become beautiful, pleasing to the eyes of the Most High, and He too will love you and receive you into His presence as the fruits of My Immaculate Heart, as My holy offspring, and will shower His copious blessings and mercy upon you.
Be pure gold of of ofir, of love, doing everything for the Lord with love, praying with love, working for the Lord with love, working for the salvation of souls with love, praying the Holy Rosary with love, praying all the Hours of Prayer that I have given you here with love, doing all your obligations both free and those commanded by obedience as long as they are not going against the truth or against Me, doing all this with love, so that truly your actions before God will be like pure gold of of ofir: precious, glittering, beautiful and splendid. And then the Most High will be pleased with your offerings and will shower His blessing upon you, which will make you even richer and more beautiful before men, and no one will be able to overcome your beauty, your spiritual wealth and your glory.
Enrich your souls with this pure love, because there is no one in this world who does not want to be miserable, there is no one who does not want to be rich, therefore enrich your souls with this pure gold of love and you will be much happier than the most millionaire man that exists in this world, the richest man that exists in this world, because you will have an imperishable wealth. The gold of this earth perishes one day, but this gold, of perfect love, which I teach you here, this gold will remain for all eternity giving you glory, brilliance and limitless happiness in Heaven, so My children, now open your hearts for this immense Love of God to enter your hearts and permeate all your prayers, all your works.
The reason your works before God are often worthless or worth little is because you do not do them with this pure love unmixed with human interests, unmixed with your vanity, the pursuit of the satisfaction of your vanities, your desires and your personal inclinations. Therefore, renounce right now all vanity, self-love and inordinate love of yourselves and be inflamed with true love for God, for truth, for the fulfillment of the Lord's will, and then, whatever you do before God will be like the purest gold and the Lord will be pleased with your works that you offer to Him every day and He will multiply even more the spiritual fortune of your souls enriching not only you, but also, the other souls that are around you.
Be pure gold of sacrifice, of penance and conversion by offering to the Lord every day through Me small sacrifices, small abstinences, small renunciations of what you love most, for the conversion of sinners, for the salvation of so many souls who need so much, and especially also for your own sanctification.
The reason that your souls do not yet have the beauty of the pure gold of grace and holiness is that you are still so attached to yourselves, to your personal inclinations, to your will and to the world. Renounce yourselves and you will see how the ascent of the great mountain of perfection will be easy and light for you, it will be easier and smoother. So little children, every day let the pure, fine gold of perfect love come out of your soul in the form of sacrifices, penance, and conversion. Do not live in peace with your defects, because he who lives in peace with his sins and defects, deluding himself that by praying he will be saved, will lose his soul forever. Try every day to root out your defects, fight against your personal inclinations that most of the time tend to evil, and then truly your soul will produce holy, pure works, without mixture of your ego, and then this will be extremely pleasing to God. Finally, be the pure, perfect gold of the true desire to please God, to please Me and to imitate My virtues, all of them, My supreme obedience to the will of God, My continuous renunciation of Myself, My humility, My purity, My innocence, and above all My faith, which in all the trials of the contrary appearances has always shown itself strong, unchangeable, has always shown itself incorruptible, may your faith also be like Mine and that in all moments of trial you may respond with a faith like Mine, made of pure fire and always more tested in the crucible of suffering, so that your faith, pure as the purest and finest gold pleases the Most High and inclines Him towards you, so that He may then transform you more and more into the great saints that He wishes to raise up here. Let your faith be made of a pure love, of an unbeatable solidity so that the Most High will look at you and be pleased to see that truly in you true faith will be present when He returns.
Convert yourselves without delay, because your time is very short My children, that which I told you in the past is now fulfilled, the days and hours are flying by more than ever, the world events are all lined up for the fulfillment of all that I told you in the past, you can no longer waste time with vain and frivolous things, put more effort into your conversion, purify your life, so that it may be a shining sign so that so many of My children who are lost may find the way to salvation, to peace, to the true encounter with the God who saves.
Pray the Rosary every day, do penance, because only the Rosary will save the whole world. Tomorrow you will celebrate the Feast of My Rosary here, remembering the great Victory that I gave to My children, which I accomplished in the Battle of Lepanto and on so many other occasions throughout history. Truly, I have given My Rosary all the power and to it truly I have linked the grace of the final Victory of My Immaculate Heart, so My Triumph will be realized more and more by My Rosary and the grace of the conversion of the world is also linked to this most powerful prayer. Pray, therefore, pray My Rosary as never before, because through it I will save your country and the whole world.
What I accomplished in the Battle of Lepanto will be accomplished again, although My children, the children of light, are far fewer in number than the children of darkness. I will give Victory to My children in a miraculous, surprising, sudden and resounding way, and from one moment to the next, as if by magic, Satan will see himself without his harvest, he will see himself without anything, and I will then raise the glorious banner of My Victory and that of My son Jesus over the whole world, singing with the Angels and with My children: Victory, Hosanna!
My children, to all of you today at this moment, I bless generously, all of you who today have left everything to be with Me, to be with Me. I bless all of you who are here with Me today during this day of prayer, making so many sacrifices to get here, I bless My Slaves of Love, I also bless My most obedient little son, Marcos Thaddeus, who is the most obedient of My children, the most dedicated and hardworking of My servants, and the one who at all times, with the greatest perfection, has obeyed and fulfilled everything I have sent him, and has accomplished all the missions I have entrusted to him. To all of you who console Me so much here, who love Me so much, who make Me so happy, who console Me so much, I now pour My motherly blessing on this place that is also My second heaven, which is My little Nazareth.
I bless everyone from Lourdes, from Heroldsbach and from Jacareí."
(Marcos): "I will do yes beloved Mother. Soon after I finish this one, the next one will surely be of these Apparitions, I will do yes. See you soon beloved Mother."
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