Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Message From Eternal Father God And Our Lady - Solemnity Of The 24th Anniversary Of The Jacareí Apparitions - 374th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Eternal Father): "My beloved children, I, your Father, rejoice again to be with you today on this most beautiful day for you and for Me, the Anniversary of the First Appearance of My most beloved Daughter, Mary, among you Here in the distant year 1991 to Our beloved Son Marcos.
Yes, on that February 7th I showered great Mercy upon all the Earth, I showered My great Love upon all the Earth and favored all the Earth with My Grace, with My goodness.
By sending Mary among you I have truly given you the greatest of all graces that I could give you: the Mother of My own Son, to guide you on the path of perfection and holiness. And to teach you what pleases Me, to teach you the perfect way to love Me, to teach you the perfect way to be Holy.
I have poured out all My Mercy and through these Apparitions of the Virgin Mary here, My Most Beloved Daughter and Mother of My Son, I have revealed to the whole world how much I love you and how much I am the Father of Love.
I am the Father of Love, and that is why I have sent the Mother of My Son here to snatch you out of Satan's clutches, to take you out of the road to hell where you were, and to lead you every day along the road of Peace, of Prayer, that will lead you to your eternal salvation.
How many of you I well know would be fatally doomed, if I had not sent Mary here. Yes, in this act I was and have been a loving Father to all of you. No one has been denied My graces here, if he asks Me with Love, trust and with the humility that I desire, that is, never coming directly to Me, but coming to Me through Mary, because only she can make Me propitious to you and only she is the Advocate who can obtain from Me for you Mercy and salvation and change My justice into forgiveness and eternal life for you.
I am a Father of Love who during all these years of Mary Here never tires to show you My great Love. Through Her and Her Messages, from how many snares of My infernal enemy I have snatched you, from how many diabolical plots I have not delivered you Here through Mary. From how many evils of body and soul have I not freed you Here through Mary. How much grace, how much light into your souls have I not shed through Mary's Messages.
Through all that she has done here, I have shown you that I am your Father of Love. I have given you a Fountain here to ease your suffering and heal your body and soul. I have given you the Fountain of My Son Jesus, the Fountain of My Servant Joseph, I have given you the Medals to protect your body and soul from every onslaught of Satan and to keep you always covered by the Mantle of Mary and My Hands.
I have given you here so many clear and evident signs, that I am a living God, full of Love, and that I have come to condemn no one, but to save. I always forgive repentant sinners, and I only condemn obstinate ones. Therefore, My children, be converted, and do not harden your hearts like those people who, in the desert, turned against Me and My servant Moses, repelling the orders and laws that I gave them through the mouth of My servant.
Do not be like those people who recalcitrant against My love, but rather My children, be like the blessed people of Nineveh who repented and did penance upon receiving My Message through the Prophet I sent.
Do not be like the people of Sodom whose hearts were so hardened that I could not save them. Do not look at Sodom, do not look at the world, at its sins like Lot's wife, or else you will be punished by My Justice and die eternally like her.
Look instead to Me, to Me who loves you so much, who is your Father of Love, and I am willing to forgive you 70 times 7 a day, if you truly have contrition for your sins and a desire not to do more to hurt Me.
I have revealed and given My great Love to the world by sending Mary here to show you in Her goodness, in Her tenderness, in Her affection, in Her gentleness My Love, My affection, My gentleness. Because Mary was created by Me, it was I who formed Her and who prepared Her similar to Me in everything, except in the divine nature, but identical to Me, in Love, in Mercy, in Kindness.
And in Her Kindness you can feel Her Affection, you can feel Mine, in Her Love you can experience Mine, in Her Looks and Smile you can see Mine.
Then My Children, come to Mary and she will bring you to My Son Jesus, and He will bring you to Me. Then, when We two meet, I and you My child, I and you, the enemy will no longer be able to block your way, will no longer be able to prevent the most powerful inflow of My graces into you.
Come to Me through Mary, and I will never reject you, but I will embrace you strongly, I will place the sandal of My grace on your feet, the robe of My goodness, purity, and love on your souls, I will place the Ring of My predilection on you, and together we will dine, and great will be your happiness with Me.
Repent of your sins, because this world that has already touched the bottom of its sin, of its perdition, of its rebellion against Me, has already exceeded all the limits of violence, of impurity, of wars, of falsehood, of slander, of lies, of dishonesty, of wickedness.
And that is why I will soon rise from My Throne to put a stop to it all, and when that happens, the whole earth will shake with a force far greater than 50 earthquakes put together. And even Heaven will flee from My wrathful Face when I manifest My power to put a stop to so much crime and sin that I gaze upon every day in tears, watching My children destroy themselves and throw themselves into Satan's hands to do with them as he wills.
That is why I will come to put an end to sin, I will come to put an end to wickedness. And finally, the rebel, the one who has turned against Me from the beginning, will be cast into the eternal flames along with all his followers. The earth will be cleansed, pure, and a time of happiness that you have never known will be given to you by Me.
A beautiful Heaven you will see, a new Earth you will enjoy and enjoy, and in your mouth that for so long, so many years from your mouth, only lamentations, groans of pain came out in this time of tribulation. In your mouth I will put a new song, and you will glorify Me with the whole earth finally freed from the power of darkness.
Hasten your conversion, for I am at the door. While I am here, My Love is offered to you a thousand times a day, accept it so that you may have eternal life in Me.
I bless you all today with great Love, through My Daughter Mary Most Holy, who is your Queen and who is My delight, My joy and who is truly, My smile for you."
(Blessed Mary ) : "My beloved children, today, you celebrate the Anniversary of My Apparitions here to My little son Marcos Thaddeus. My favorite son, the most obedient and dedicated of My servants.
I appeared Here in Jacareí, as Queen and Messenger of Peace, to bring you Peace, and bring the whole humanity torn by wars, sin, and discord, to salvation, which you can find only in God.
I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace, I have the mission to give Peace to your heart, but I cannot give Peace to a heart dominated by sin. Renounce it and open your heart to God's grace and to Me, so that I can fill your heart with this Peace until it overflows into the whole world like a river of life.
I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace, and I have come to bring Peace to families, to the church, and to families. Unfortunately, I have not been accepted by many. That is why families have no Peace, the Church has no Peace, and knows the time of its greatest Apostasy, of the loss of believers, of the abandonment by many, of scandals and sins, even almost closing its doors in many places.
If the Church had accepted My Message of La Salette of Lourdes, of Fatima, of all My Apparitions until I arrived here, and especially the Messages I give here. Not enough Churches could be built in the world for so many converts, for so many of My children who would want to give their lives to God.
The struggle is great, the battle is arduous, we still have a long way to go to achieve the conversion of all humanity and to lead it to God. That is why I ask you to make Prayer Groups everywhere, praying My Rosary, taking My Messages, and presenting to My children the Lives of the Saints and My Apparitions that My little son Marcos made for you in his movies. True grace, treasure and wonderful treat from My Immaculate Heart, made for all mankind by his hands, by his heart, which is the bridge between you and Me.
I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace, and today I want to give you the divine Gift of Peace, accept it, welcome it into your heart, spread it, transmit it by word, by prayer, by your example. Bringing to all My children, to all paths: My Peace, My Love, My Maternal Mercy. So that all My children, know Me, love Me, and through Me, know and love the Lord.
I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace, and I have come from Heaven to tell you that the time the Lord has given for mankind to return to Him is at an end. You must now reform your life, reform your soul, reform your prayer, reform your spirit of sacrifice, reform your family. Undertaking a sincere conversion a little each day, one step at a time, but always so that every day I can bring you closer to God and prepare you better, more deeply for the coming of My son Jesus, who is already at the door.
My appearances here, are the prophetic sign for all humanity, the prophet of the Apocalypse saw Me in My appearances in Jacareí speaking to the world. And to him My son Jesus revealed at the Last Supper that I would appear here to My little son Marcos, and that through this most beloved son of Mine I would lead many souls to prayer, to conversion, to salvation.
Yes, My appearances here were already from all eternity in the Lord's thoughts, in the Lord's heart. And I come Here, therefore, to accomplish the last part of God's Divine Plan, which will culminate in His and Mine greatest Triumph over all the forces of evil.
So, help Me! Work with Me! Pray more! Those who pray two hours a day, pray three as I have asked. And those who pray three, pray four now that the hardest and toughest hour of the battle is coming.
Yes, My children this close battle will culminate in My greatest victory over Satan. You must secure your complete victory with Me by giving Me your yes today and walking with Me on the road that all these years I have taught you and shown you here.
I am the Queen and Messenger of Peace, and I have come to tell you that only in God's love can man find satiation for his soul's hunger and thirst for love. Only in God can man find the true meaning of life that gives him happiness, that gives him peace and joy.
My Apparitions here are the greatest grace, the resounding grace of My Immaculate Heart, it is the Ultimate Salvation Tablet that God offers you. Do not throw it away, or else you will perish.
Give Me your yes, give Me your heart My children, and I will completely change your life today. And I will transform it into a radiant life of grace, beauty, and holiness as I did for My little son Benedict and for so many saints who gave Me their yes.
And just as I have been the radiant Sun in the life of My little son Marcos for twenty-four years, leading him in the light of the Lord's grace, I too will be your Sun leading you along the path of salvation, love, grace and holiness.
I bless you all today once again with love from Fatima, Lourdes, Guadalupe, Quito and Jacareí.
I pour out now on all My children who wear the Medal of Peace around their necks, on all those who do My Hour of Peace every day, pray My Rosary, do the Prayer Groups and are truly obedient children to Me. My Grace, My Special Blessing, which will remain with you until the end of your lives, and which you can pass on to others. And I also grant My obedient children now the Lord's Indulgence."
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