Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, April 8, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today I invite you all to welcome My Flame of Love more into your hearts and let this flame transform you into living flames of love as I transformed My Little Shepherds of Fatima.
Imitate their generosity, their 'yes', their boundless love for Me and Jesus. So that through you, I too may realize my graces in this world that is becoming more and more distant from God, loses faith, falls into apostasy and is lost.
Then, through you yourselves in the midst of this so dense darkness, I will be able to make graces of salvation and conversion for so many of My children.
Yes, the Message of Fatima is still open today, that is, My children have not yet answered 'yes' to all that there through My little Shepherds I asked.
Be you My echos, the echos of Fatima, so that then the whole world will hear My voice, finally answer Me 'yes' and then My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
Here in Jacareí, where I will finish what I began in Fatima, I wish you to be the echoes of My Fatima Messages transforming your lives more and more into prayer, conversion and sacrifice for the victory of My Heart.
Continue praying My Rosary every day.
Give this month 7 films of My Apparition in Fatima to 7 people and 8 films of My Apparition in La Codosera and Ezquioga to My children. So that My Messages may reach everyone as soon as possible and thus convert and save them.
Keep praying My Rosary every day.
To all I bless with love from Fatima, Ezkioga and Jacari".