Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today, when you celebrate here the 36th anniversary of my apparitions in Medjugorje, I come once again to tell you: I am the Queen of Peace, I am the Mother of God who came from Heaven to offer true peace to the world.
I do not give peace as the world gives it, I give peace as my son Jesus told me to give it: Peace which is the Rosary, which is prayer, which is conversion, which is penance, which is the love of God, which is the life of union with God.
This is the peace that I came from Heaven to offer to the world and as long as the world does not accept it, it will never have either peace or joy or true happiness.
I am the Queen of Peace and I came to Medjugorje to call the whole world to conversion, to return to God. God who is the supreme source of all good, of all joy and peace.
Only in God will the world and the human being find true peace. And that is why in my apparitions I always call my children to conversion, for as long as they continue to disobey God, as long as they continue to transgress God's commandments and destroy the perfection with which God created all things the world will never have peace, the world will never be happy.
The source of peace and happiness of man is God, so put God first in your lives and not the human being and not you. And then you will find true peace, true happiness and true joy and reason to live.
How many have neither the true reason to live nor the true joy of living because they have reversed the order of things, putting the human being, putting themselves first and taking God out of first place, in this way, no one can ever be happy.
Put God back first and all things in your lives will come into harmony and then you will find true happiness and true joy.
I am the Queen of Peace and I came from Heaven in Medjugorje to reveal My Secrets of the final times. There in those secrets is the destiny of all humanity, there are the decisive events that will lead the whole world to the great turnaround that will make God finally triumph and reign over everything and everyone.
Yes, also here, where I carry out my great Plan of Love continuing what I began in Lourdes, La Salette, Quito, Fatima, Medjugorje. Here too I have left My Secrets of the final times with My son Marcos, the one whom My Heart chose, preferred and loved more than everyone and who has all My trust.
Yes, you don't know what these Secrets say, but you can be sure of one thing: God rules the world since He created it. I have ruled the world for two thousand years since I was crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth.
I am alive! I am still here! And soon I will show all those who mock God, who mock Me and who think they can do evil, spread sin, commit injustice and persecution against My elect and will go unpunished. I will show them that I am still here, that My son is still here and that soon we will act with power to free Our chosen from the hands of those who oppress and persecute them.
Yes, all the traitorous bishops, the traitorous Judas priests, the communists, all the heretics, all those who persecute My children and do evil. All those who spread evil and sin on earth will soon be reached by the arm of My son.
When that arm is lifted, no one can hold it! And woe to those who for all these years have ignored Our continuing warnings and Our continuing calls to prayer and penance.
That is why My children, if you do not want to be of the number of those unfortunate ones, convert without delay, convert now so that you may truly be pure and holy when My son comes to do the math with all the workers of iniquity.
Be converted! Convert without delay! All of you who are far from God and prayer, put God in the first place and pray, so that you may be looked upon with love and mercy by the Most High and still have the chance of eternal salvation.
I am the Queen of Peace and I have come to Medjugorje and I have come to Jacareí also to call all My children to the victorious prayer of the Holy Rosary. Yes, this prayer for which I triumphed in Lepanto and will triumph in all the Lepantos of your lives today My children.
It was not in vain that the Feast of my Most Sacred Rosary was also called at the beginning as the Feast of Our Lady of Victory! Because truly through My Rosary I gave My children a splendid victory in the Battle of Lepanto.
And today, in this great Lepanto that is being fought between Me and the infernal dragon, between My soldiers and the soldiers of Satan, once again My great Victory will be given by My Most Sacred Rosary.
And in every Lepanto of your lives, of your families the victory will always be also of those who with love, faith and perseverance pray My Rosary every day.
Take My Messages seriously, obey My Messages, meditate every day for at least half an hour reading the life of a Saint or His meditations so that then your soul will always be filled with the true love of God and My Flame of Love in these times of darkness and darkness and that your soul will always have its lamp full of oil and in it the flame will be lit, the light of faith. Meditate on My Messages!
Give 20 films of Medjugorje, the one you saw today and that My little son Marcos made for you, the Film Voices from Heaven 13 for 20 little children of Me.
My children must know these Messages of Medjugorje, know the existence of My secrets, know that all are in the final times and that soon the Punishments will happen and those who are not converted will perish along with all the sinners of the world.
Go and give My children this film that shows what true obedience My children should have to Me. And that before they obey the evil shepherds they must obey Me. So that they may not anger even more the righteous Wrath of the Eternal Father who will soon put a stop to the lies of the bad bishops, the bad priests belonging to the sects and who are destroying the church inside and outside as well.
And then, finally, the world will see the truth and My Immaculate Heart will triumph, and with Me will triumph all those who have preferred the truth even at the cost of great persecutions and injustices.
Give this film to My children and also give the Angel Hour #12 so that all My children may know the Angels more, love the Holy Angels more. And so, turn to them more by listening to the Messages they have given to Me Here. And above all, recommend yourselves to His powerful protection every day, so that you may be defended from Satan's snares.
I also want You to give My Meditated Rosary No. 59 to 8 people so that My children may pray these Rosaries, meditate on My Messages recorded in them. And so, always and increasingly, may they open their hearts to My Flame of Love in these times of thunderous grace like never before in human history. And it will soon end so that My Flame of Love can truly transform them and prepare them for the great Second Pentecost that is coming.
In the Medjugorian people I am truly loved, obeyed and praised.
Imitate the example of the Medjugorian people: more prayer, more fasting, obedience to Me and for nothing leave obedience to My Messages.
Renounce greed, laziness, pride and arrogance, gluttony, lust, complacency. Die to yourselves and His will, dedicate your life to God, to Me and to the salvation of souls.
To all I bless you now with love and especially to you Marcos, my Medjugorian Apostle, my little Medjugorian Angel, who with all his heart defended the truth of my apparitions in Medjugorje and made my apparition there with its powerful fruits, signs, messages and example of those My children were known and imitated by so many millions of souls around the world.
I bless you and tell you: For every soul who converts and is saved by these films you made of My Appearances and Messages in Medjugorje, so many will also be the crowns of glory that I will give you in Heaven.
Go, go ahead My Knight, My Medjugorian Knight, My Knight of Peace, Knight of My Immaculate Heart, with the sword of truth, like a new Skanderbeg defeating My enemies and placing them on My footstool.
Go announcing always more the truth, go working always more for Me, go like a fast train, passing over everything and everyone and taking My Word always further, always more to My children, because through you finally the truth of all My apparitions and My Immaculate Heart will finally triumph.
I also bless you My beloved son Carlos Thaddeus, follow the example of your son loving, spreading, defending Medjugorje ever more.
I want you to choose 9 people in your Cenacle and give these 9 people this same Medjugorje movie that My little son Marcos made and will send to you.
I want the people of Ibitira to become truly a wise people, knowing My Messages in depth. I want to overcome once and for all the ignorance of My people, the ignorance of My children through the work of My son Marcos. And you will help him and with him you will also one day be in Heaven blushed as My brave, fearless, valiant and ardent knight of love.
I bless you My son, I was very happy with the cenacle you made in My honor yesterday. I was truly moved and tears of commotion and joy came down from My eyes.
Thank you, because in the Cenacles you make My soul rest, My heart rejoices with joy and I cry with joy as I have never cried with pain before in all My life.
To all I bless with Love from Medjugorje, Zaro and Jacareí".
(Marcos): "Dear Mamezinha do Céu, I would very much like to know from you if the Apparition of the Lady in Portugal in Vilas Boas is a real Apparition, Maria villas went there with Mr. Julio and other people to pray, but we are not sure if that Apparition of the Lady really happened.
Because some people already say that it was just a legend, I believe, but I need the Lady's confirmation so that with that confirmation I can crush all your enemies who want to deny that Apparition and want to oppose the truth.
Thank you very much, I will say! Yes, I will, as soon as the Lady permits.
I will. I will do it this week. You can consider it done!
Yes, I wanted to do something more for you, something more, what can I do?
Yes. See you soon, Mama, see you soon, my love".