Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, July 23, 2017
Message of Mary Most Holy

(Mary Most Holy): Dear children, today I call you once again to live true love. The love that God and I desire from you is the one who suffers everything for being loved.
"If you truly love God you must suffer everything for love of Him, you must endure everything for love of Him and you must undertake everything that is difficult, hard and arduous for love of Him.
Always remember that love, that faith without works is dead. Therefore, produce every day many works of love for God so that then truly your love will be proved by your works and God will believe in your love.
I only believe in the love of those children who give me works, true works of love. Be, therefore, the true children of God and not the false ones who speak but do nothing.
Now that we are in the last half hour of God's day it is necessary to produce works of love for the glory of God to witness the truth and also to save your brothers and sisters. Otherwise neither they nor you will enter the kingdom of heaven.
So go and save what can be saved by doing many works of love, dedication to God and dedication for the salvation of your neighbor. Then your faith will be considered true both by God and by men. And then, you will all see the truth, believe the truth, and be saved by the truth.
Pray My Rosary every day, because only with the Rosary you will be able to dilate your hearts to receive in them My Flame of Love and produce works of love.
Shake up your TIBIES, shake up your SPIRITUAL INNERGY, shake up your ACIDS praying fervently, making many sacrifices and every day trying to do something more for the Lord, for Me and for the salvation of souls.
In this way you will not be a puddle of still and rotten water that does not generate life and that cannot quench the thirst of any soul. But you will be a fountain of living water that where running will transform what is desert into a garden and quench the thirst for salvation, the thirst for love, the hunger for love of many, many souls.
Yes, my children, be a source of living water of love and salvation for humanity.
Pray, pray, pray because the Secret of La Salette will advance and more parts of it will be fulfilled. And woe to the inhabitants of the earth, no one will be able to escape from so many evils together.
Pray because a great Punishment will come this year to Brazil if you do not pray, pray because the great sleeping giant will rise, wake up and great will be My suffering seeing the suffering of My children in Italy.
I don't want My children to suffer, so I say: Pray, pray, pray. Pray for France's return to fidelity to the Catholic faith. Pray that the nation I love so much will be freed from the oppression and domination of Satan and also from the actions of the evil atheists who want to transform France, that beloved and favorite land of my heart into a nation without God.
Pray a lot the Rosary of my Flame of Love and I will give you my Flame of Love so that with it you can burn the whole world and all hearts with my love.
I bless all my children, my beloved son Carlos Tadeu, my little daughter Raffaella Bompiani and Renata who helped my son Marcos very much and gave me a great service of love by studying the sign of my luminous figure.
Through this study the truth of My Apparitions Here was definitely proved and no one can excuse themselves for not believing. From now on anyone who denies My Here, disobeys My Messages or betrays Me and My son Marcos, denies the truth known as such, sins against the Holy Spirit and is condemned eternally.
To these My daughters who have done Me the great service of proving and demonstrating the truth of My apparitions Here, which I love with love of predilection and which I keep with love in the refuge of My Heart.
And to all My children who obey Me and do My Cenacles in the families I bless with love from Fatima, La Salette and Jacareí".
(St. Gorgonius): "Dear and beloved Marcos, dear brothers, I am Gorgonius, servant of God and of the Mother of God and I come more today with the Blessed Mother to bless you all with my love and the peace of the Lord.
I, Gorgonio of Rome am happy to come here with the Mother of God for the first time. I come to pour peace, grace and love into your hearts and I come to tell you too:
Be truly sacraments of the Lord, living continually in the love of God, in the love of Mary Most Holy, seeking and seeking holiness so that truly God can dwell in your hearts and reign in them forever.
Be the tabernacles of the Lord living in love, because the essence of God is Love, Love is God and He can only dwell in souls full of love. He is the one who gives love to the soul and only remains in the soul who welcomes His love, who lives His love and treats it with love.
Therefore, cultivate true love in your hearts so that God may dwell in your hearts and unite with you forever.
Be the tabernacles of the Lord making daily fervent prayers of love and especially works of love. Faith without works is dead and love without works is sterile. Therefore, you must do little works of love every day so that God can be glorified in you and through you. And through your love every creature can know and feel his love, give himself to him, love and obey.
Be the tabernacles of the Lord, seeking every day to grow in the true flame of love for Him and His Blessed Mother. So that true love may grow in their hearts and then truly the world may be freed from hatred, sin, violence, the dominion of Satan and become a world of love.
I, Gorgonius, bless you all, I accompany you all on your journey to Heaven, above all, to you my beloved Marcos and to you also my beloved Carlos Thaddeus. I am also always accompanying you in all the Cenacles, in your work, in your prayers and in your daily life.
I always have on you My protective shield, on you I also place My Cloak and the enemy can't harm you and often can't even approach you.
So cheer your heart because you have in Heaven a great friend who loves you very much and will never leave you until he has you with him, with me and with our Blessed Queen here in Heaven.
Know that even when you are sleeping at dawn in the dead of night, I am by your side praying for you and putting on you my power shield.
Continue praying the Rosary and all the Rosaries of power that the Mother of God gave you, that the Mother of God sent for you to be prayed here.
Above all, pray my beloved brother the Rosary of Triumph, at least a dozen every day, through this Rosary you will receive great graces and win, you will crush many works of Satan.
I bless you with love and all my brothers here pouring out on everyone the grace and peace that the Lord has granted me.
Give 10 films Voices from Heaven #5 to 10 people, souls need to know as soon as possible the love of Our Holy Queen and understand that the true love for Jesus and for Her is the love that is sacrificed for them as She asked in Beauraing in Belgium.
To all with love I bless you generously now".
(Marcos): "Dear Heavenly Mother, would you be good enough to touch these Rosaries, Crosses and religious objects that we made for the protection and prayer of your children?
See you soon Mamezinha. See you soon dear Gorgonio".