Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel speaks of My bringing division among people and even among families. You know that I bring mercy and love to everyone, but this division is really between those who are faithful to Me, and those who reject Me. I call everyone to conversion of their sinful lives so I can forgive them and have them welcome Me into their hearts and souls. I give everyone free will and you can either choose to love Me or reject Me. I do not force My love on anyone. But there are consequences if a soul refuses to repent and refuses to let Me be Master of their lives. In the first reading it states that the wages of sin are death to the soul in hell. For those, who refuse Me, My justice calls for them to suffer for all eternity in hell. My love is overflowing for man and this is shown most in the very act of My suffering and death on the cross for the salvation of all of mankind. I offer you love and the beauty of heaven, but the devil offers you hate and eternal suffering in hell. If you lead a sinful life without repentance, you may have a brief pleasure on earth, but you will suffer eternal pain in hell. In the end you have only two choices: one with Me in heaven, or the other with the devil in hell. It is best to choose to be with Me out of love in your heart and not just out of fear of hell. To enter heaven you must come through Me because I paid the price for your soul. Consecrate yourself to Me in everything, and you will have eternal peace and love with Me in heaven.”Prayer Group:  Jesus said: “My people, I am showing this old scene of 70 years ago, because your physical needs then have not changed much from today. You all need jobs to provide for your food, shelter, and transportation. Your need for Me in your life has not changed either, but there are more taken up with the worldly things than ever before. Man is proud of his new inventions, but I should still be the center of your lives. If your pace of living is faster, it is because you are trying to accomplish more than is possible in one day. Slow down and focus more on Me and keeping your peace undisturbed.” Jesus said: “My people, there were many scenes in the Gospel that involved fishing boats and also some miracle catches of fish. The focus in the vision is on the rudder or steering wheel on the boat. Many times man wants to be in control of his direction to travel, but it is I that should be at the helm of your life, leading you to heaven. My ways are not your ways, but following My Will is what I am calling all of you to follow. Walking with Me as with the disciples on the road to Emmaus, your hearts can also burn with the joy of hearing My words of love in the Gospel.” Jesus said: “My people, every day your news reports are counting more homes destroyed and thousands more being asked to evacuate. This tragedy is being compounded by hearing that some of these fires were the result of arson. Not only are people losing their homes and businesses, but your insurance companies will be paying out millions of dollars in damage claims. It may take some government funding to support these losses or you could see another strike at your economy as with your mortgage problems. Pray for all of those affected by this disaster that they will have their needs provided for.” Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a lot of violent weather causing tornadoes and rain causing floods. Now you are seeing even your droughts cause the dry conditions that are causing your fires. This violent weather is like the mirror in the vision that reflects man’s violence in his sins of war, abortion, and drug related killings. Man needs to repent of his sins, and this peace could bring about a peace even in your weather.” Jesus said: “My people, as you visit some refuges, you can still see people racing to build more buildings to house the refugees. The time for building refuge buildings is approaching a climax before the coming tribulation will begin. Once martial law is declared, your building will cease, but I will still be multiplying your dwellings to provide shelter for My people.” Jesus said: “My people, when you have plenty of water and you are comfortable in your needs, you may forget to thank Me for My gifts to you. But when something like your water is taken away or becomes scarce, you quickly realize how necessary it is for your everyday living. Rationing water is difficult to suffer, but it must be a mutual suffering with no cheaters trying to save their lawns. You have many gifts like your water, that you do not always appreciate until you lose them. So give Me thanks for all the gifts of life that are given to you, so you may be more appreciative of them. Do not wait until they are taken away to realize their importance in your lives.” Jesus said: “My people, the more you take time to witness the beauty of My creation in all the seasons, the more you see My hand at work in your lives. The beauty in the trees and flowers of this fall season are breath taking in beautiful sunlight. There is another message in the seasons as fall enters into winter and that is the thought of your life coming to an end as the trees go dormant. In November you will see more readings also focus on the end times as well. Life on earth is short in comparison to all eternity. You have but a short time here to prepare for your judgment. So in the next few weeks think a little more about improving your spiritual life so your soul is always pure and ready to meet Me at your judgment.”

Source: ➥