Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thursday, June 16, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, in all of your lives you are going to have some smooth days with plenty of sun. You are also going to have cloudy days without much light, and even rainy days that could try your patience. These are the ups and downs of life that test your faith. Today, you have My ‘Our Father’ prayer which is about depending on Me for your daily necessities, but also how to handle forgiveness of your faults and the faults of others. At the end of the reading there is an emphasis on not holding any grudges on anyone for their misdeeds. These guidelines are what I want My faithful to follow, but in life it can be difficult to carry out these things in your actions. Because you have a weakness to sin, you are going to have occasions when you fail to live up to My laws. I have given you My sacrament of Reconciliation where your sins can be forgiven, and My love is restored in your heart and soul. I look out for you in all of your daily needs, so trust in Me by asking for what you need with the assurance that your prayers will be answered. Make your daily prayers so much a part of your life that you cannot go on without them. You show your love for Me when you pray. Remember also how I asked you to make up any prayers that you may have missed on the previous day.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a few pictures where you could feel a beating heart. This picture of My Divine Mercy is a special blessing for those who pray before this image. My heart is burning with love for My people, and this vision of a beating heart in this picture shows you vividly how much I care for all of you. Continue to pray your Divine Mercy chaplet in front of this image that is holy.”
Jesus said: “My people, this vision is one of My miracles of the Eucharist in Venezuela. This bleeding Host is another example of how I am constantly suffering for the sins of mankind. It pains Me also that there are many Catholics who do not believe in My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament. When you receive Me in the consecrated Host and consecrated Wine, you are truly eating My Body and drinking My Blood. These miracles of My Eucharistic Hosts are given for the unbelievers to believe in My Real Presence.”
Jesus said: “My people, the relics of the saints and of My True Cross should be revered and used in your healing ministries. These relics will help you in fighting off demons, and they are instrumental in healing. Call on My Name when you are blessing people, and call on My Most Precious Blood for physical healing and spiritual healing. I have an abundance of graces, and you can ask for My graces through My instruments of healing gifts and relics.”
Jesus said: “My people, there are some saints whose bodies have remained incorrupt. This again is a special grace to show you these miracles, and it is a sign that one day your bodies will be resurrected with your souls. Some people have difficulty in believing things that they cannot see. These physical miracles are given to help those who are weak in their faith. Give praise and glory to Me for allowing these miracles to strengthen your faith.”
Jesus said: “My people, some of you have witnessed further miracles in blood liquefying, statues or pictures weeping oil or blood, and a holy scent of roses in holy places. These are miracles to show that heaven is sad over the many sins and injustices being performed by man. You have witnessed this holy scent of roses at the place of My Crucifixion and with certain visionaries. All of these signs are again meant to witness the truth of My Word and to accentuate holy places.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have heard many testimonies of near death experiences where some have seen heaven or hell. The life review that is experienced, wakes up many souls to the seriousness of their sins and how they offend Me. Some may see their place of judgment, but they are given a special grace to return to their bodies for a second chance to improve their lives. Most souls see the need to get closer to Me, but some will suffer more in purgatory for not changing their lives. Learn from these people why it is necessary to lead a holy life to gain heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, the souls in purgatory are truly suffering, but they are all promised to be with Me one day in heaven. These are saved souls, but they need purification to make them worthy to enter heaven. These souls may be allowed at times to seek prayers from the living souls who may sense their need for prayers. I have asked you to have Masses and prayers said for the deceased, especially those in your family and your friends. You have witnessed many stories of how these souls in purgatory are requesting prayers. Remember to pray for the souls in purgatory, especially for those souls that no one is praying for.”
Source: ➥