Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tuesday, November 18, 2014: (Dedication of St. Peter & St. Paul Basilicas)
Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is all about keeping your faith in Me through all the storms of life. When I was walking on the water to My apostles, I called St. Peter to come to Me on the water. He also started walking on the water, but when he took his focus off of Me, he was fearful of the wind and from drowning. I questioned St. Peter in his faltering faith. This is a lesson for all of My people, that you need to keep focused on Me in faith through all of life’s trials. Just as I calmed the storm, so I can calm the storms in your lives, if you call on My help. Many people have fears and worries about things that they cannot change. Fears, worries, and anxieties are tools of the devil to weaken your faith. If you have the faith of a mustard seed, you would not doubt My protection in providing for your daily needs. Have confidence and faith in Me, even if you must suffer anything for Me. My love is with you always, and that should be enough for you.”
Jesus said: “My people, when the events are serious enough to endanger your lives, you can call on Me, and I will have your guardian angels lead you to the nearest refuge. You may be led to several smaller interim refuges, before you are led to your final large refuge. At the interim refuges, you may have to use your backpacks and sleeping bags until you find a refuge with dormitories. In the vision, you saw some people bedded down in a basement on the floor. Be thankful that My angels are putting invisible shields around you so the evil ones cannot harm you. At all of My refuges you will have something to eat and drink, with a place to sleep. I will multiply your food, water, and fuel to keep you warm. Put your trust in Me when you leave your home because you are not returning home. You will be living in full trust of what you need from Me. You will even have daily Holy Communion by a priest at Mass, or by My angels. Pray that you will be at a refuge with a priest. I have asked people to set up My refuges, and My faithful will be benefitting from their work. Be sure to thank them for all that they do to help you.”
Source: ➥