Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Thursday, August 9, 2018
Thursday, August 9, 2018

Thursday, August 9, 2018: (St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross)
Jesus said: “My people, the religious leaders of My day were the authorities in the Jewish religion, and they did not want to hear My message of love, because I was a threat to their power. The devil was also behind these leaders, because Satan did not want Me to die for the sins of the people. Even St. Peter was standing in My way, because he thought as man does, and not how I do. I even called him Satan, since St. Peter did not understand that My mission was to save mankind from their sins by My death on the cross. All through the ages people have persecuted Me and My ways, because man’s ways are not My ways. It is My miracle that I have protected My Church from the gates of hell through all these years. Man follows the desires of his bodily needs, instead of following the spiritual needs of the soul, which are to love Me and love your neighbors. Every time you try to do good works in My Name, the devil will fight you through using people against you. You can even see this battle going on in your own families. Do not worry about those people who persecute you for My sake, but pray for them and love them as I do.”
Prayer Group:
The Blessed Mother said: “My dear son, I want to thank all of the people who attended the all night vigil to honor my birthday at Gospa prayer house, Ca. You heard about my coming to Rowel who had an apparition of me on that early morning. I blessed all the people who came to the all night vigil, and I am blessing all of your prayer group for praying your rosaries. I will give your intentions over to my Son, Jesus.”
Jesus said: “My people, some people take their means of traveling in their car for granted, without always remembering how they could have an accident at any time. Whenever you get into your car, you could say a short St. Michael prayer and a guardian angel prayer for safe travel. I have asked you many times to pray the long form of the St. Michael prayer both going and coming to your talks. Call on My help and your angel to guide you safely on your trips.”
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a lot of people dying recently, especially the two people who worked for Queenship Publishing Co. Jamie P. died a few weeks ago and he was their typesetter for many years. Now, in the last week you saw David S. die who ran the operations in Kansas. This was your publisher’s son and he was a big loss to his mother, as well as the business. Pray for their souls and for Queenship Publishing that they will be able to continue their book publishing.”
Jesus said: “My people, many of you climb stairs every day to get into your house. You do this so often that it becomes very common to enter your earthly home. There is another day when you may have the opportunity to come into your heavenly home. If you are blessed, you could even climb into the higher levels of heaven. If you are doing My good works and saving souls, you could be in the higher levels of heaven. Keep striving to please Me in the best ways that you can, and you will have your reward in heaven.”
Jesus said: “My people, you need to keep praying for your farmers so they are able to deliver your fruits to your grocery store without damage. You have seen the heat, the cold, and the floods affecting many farms. The farmers take risks every year to have a good harvest. If your farmers have bad crops, it will be more difficult to put food on your table. Pray also for the poor people who cannot always afford to buy their food. Be thankful for all the food that you eat each day.”
Jesus said: “My people, some areas of your country do not always get enough rain to irrigate the crops and provide drinking water. So when you get a nice rain, you need to thank Me during your hot summer. Your farmers depend on a certain amount of rain in order to grow their crops. Some are fortunate to be able to irrigate their farms. Other farms are losing crops due to a lack of rain. Pray again for rain that is needed on a regular basis.”
Jesus said: “My son, you have been fortunate to have your friend from Louisiana continue to send you relics of the saints that are difficult to find. You need to thank her for all that she is doing for you without taking any money for them. Keep bringing your relics to your prayer group so the people can venerate them and be fortunate to have such relics available.”
Source: ➥