Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Tuesday, December 18, 2018:
Jesus said: “My people, it is impossible for man to completely understand the mystery of My Incarnation as a God-man. It was difficult for Me to restrain My powers as God in a man’s body. I love all of you so much that I became a man, so I could die for you on the cross to forgive your sins. The Holy Spirit conceived Me in My Blessed Mother, which is why I chose her without sin. While I was inside My Blessed Mother’s womb, she was an Ark of the Covenant, and a tabernacle of My Real Presence. There was rejoicing in heaven at My birth in Bethlehem. St. Joseph was told in a dream how I was conceived by the Holy Spirit. So he took My Blessed Mother as his wife into his home. He was to be My foster father, but he was the provider for our Holy Family. Rejoice with My angels that I came to you as a God-man to fulfill all of the prophecies of the prophets.”
Jesus said: “My people, it was dangerous to travel alone over long distances, so it was wise to travel with a caravan to avoid any attack from robbers. The terrain was quite difficult to travel, and it was hard to find food and water. St. Joseph and the Blessed Mother were from the house of King David, so they had to travel to Bethlehem because of the Roman census. My parents also had a hard time finding a place to stay, and they finally stayed in a place for animals, which is why I was born and placed in a manger. I had a humble place for My birth, and a hard life as a carpenter’s son. Give praise and thanks to My Father in heaven for allowing Me to teach the people, and heal many people of their illnesses. I taught the people about the coming of My Kingdom, and I taught them in parables.”
Source: ➥