Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA


Sunday, February 9, 2025

Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ of January 29 to February 4, 2025


Wednesday, January 29, 2025:

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that I would have St. Joseph direct My angels to help build a high rise building in your backyard. In the vision for today, you are seeing how they will actually use the wood of your forest to build it. I will make it strong enough so it will not collapse, even if it is made of wood. My refuge builders are My faithful who are the seed that fell on good soil, and they have yielded one hundred fold. Give thanks and praise to Me for all I do for you in protecting you, and providing for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My son, just as I promised you a healing of your cancer in a previous message, so I am giving your wife a healing message of her cancer with the healing water of Lourdes, France that she went into some time ago. You both are My servants in spreading My messages of love and warnings. You do everything together out of love for Me, and I thank you for following Me and letting Me be first in your lives. Walk in your trust in Me in all that you do.”

Thursday, January 30, 2025: (Pat Weber Mass intention)

Jesus said: “My people, I love all of My people so much, and I offer My graces to those faithful who believe in Me and put their faith into their actions. It is how you live in what you do every day that is proof to Me how much you believe in Me. Those people, who believe and follow My Commandments, are those people who will receive My graces. But those people, who disobey My Commandments and do not repent of their sins, will have whatever they have taken away from them, and they are risking hell. Pray for Pat Weber.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, this crash of a military helicopter with a civilian plane was a terrible accident that left no survivors. These people were not all ready to die, so I will have mercy on their souls. It is tragic for all of the families who have to endure these losses. Pray that you can discover the causes of this accident so it could be prevented from happening again.” (Washington, D.C.)

Jesus said: “My people, you can see how President Trump is having the border police make raids to remove the criminal people out of your country who came across your borders illegally. These criminals, who have killed people, are still being protected in sanctuary cities. Once these criminals can be deported, your streets will be safer. Your open borders have allowed these criminals to spread all over your country. Pray that this removal will be successful for your people.”

Jesus said: “My people, now that Trump is leading your nation, he is implementing a closing of your borders, and a plan to extend the wall. People, who want to come into your country, need to abide by your laws and enter in a proper way as in any other nation. You have seen millions of unvetted people coming through your open borders, and they are causing major problems to your infrastructure when it is hard to absorb so many people. Pray that your people can work to make this invasion into a better country.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been watching and listening to the political harassment of the candidates that Trump has chosen to be his Cabinet. The Democrats have been stretching out the time to confirm these candidates. You are fortunate that the Republicans have the majority, but even some of them have voted no. Pray that Trump can get his people confirmed so he can have the right people to carry out his agenda for making your country great again.”

Jesus said: “My people, your new President is offering buyouts for Federal employees to either leave their job, or come back to work in their offices. This and many other attempts are being made to cut down on overspending of unnecessary groups of people and money distributions. Your government has been running trillions of dollars in deficits each year, and Trump is struggling to change this poor planning because your National Debt is costing too much to finance. Pray that this effort can be successful.”

Jesus said: “My people, you always have sick people with various diseases and cancers. It is unfortunate that some of these sicknesses are coming from your food and work environments. You are seeing some movements to address how you have genetically modified your food, and this is why it is not accepted in other countries. Pray that your people can be healed, and that you can correct your food from being over processed.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing over the years how fewer people are coming to church, and how people are not praying to Me as they did before. Without Me you can do nothing, so you need to put Me first in your lives. I call people to repent of their sins in Confession and let Me lead you to living holier lives. This is why you need to stop your abortions, stop killing your older people, and stop making viruses and vaccines that are killing people. You can even pray for peace to stop the killing in your wars. Life is too precious by My creation to kill and go against My plan for your lives. Pray to stop this killing by the death culture people.”

Friday January 31, 2025: (St. John Bosco)

Jesus said: “My people, I give everyone an opportunity to love Me and believe in Me by faith. In the Gospel I gave you two parables about the Kingdom of God. Both of them involve planting a seed, just as I plant a seed of faith in everyone. It is truly up to each person how they will lead their lives. You need to honor Me as your Creator, and nurture your faith in prayers and repent of your sins in Confession. I keep telling you that without Me, you can do nothing. I give you life in your body and soul, so you have what you need to survive in this life, and My grace to have spiritual life. So treasure your faith in Me, and you can share your faith in converting other souls. I love all of you, and I gave up My life to bring salvation to all those who will accept Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, this is tragic to see a second plane crash one day after a worse crash with a large plane and a helicopter. You rarely see such plane crashes, and now you have two crashes in two days. Again your hearts go out to the families, and it is sad to lose more lives. Pray for the souls of those who were killed in this accident. It may take time to determine the cause of this crash.” (Philadelphia, Pa.)

Saturday, February 1, 2025: (First Saturday)

Jesus said: “My people, you read how My Blessed Mother interceded for the married couple at the Wedding Feast of Cana. The wine ran out and My Blessed Mother made a request of Me. She told the servers: ‘Do whatever He tells you.’ Then I had the servers fill six jars with water and take some to the head waiter. He remarked how they saved the best wine until now. Whenever I performed a miracle, it was always the most perfect for the occasion. This is why when I tell you I will build a better high rise and church for you, it will be the best possible. Trust in Me for your health in your missions, and I will help you in carrying out your missions.”

Jesus said: “My people, your latest weapons in your wars are using drones and new hypersonic cruise missiles which are not a standard part of America’s weaponry. Such a new Russian weapon will need a new defense and your new President is recommending a new look at how you can defend America from a nuclear attack. America could spend billions of dollars on improving a defense against these new missiles. I have given you visions of nuclear bombs going off in your own country. Before such an attack that could kill millions of people, I will stop this, and I will bring My Warning for people to choose between Me or the devil. Be ready to leave for My refuges of protection when I give you My inner locution. My angels will protect you from bombs, viruses, and comets at My refuges.”

Sunday, February 2, 2025: (Presentation of the Lord in the Temple)

Jesus said: “My people, according to the Mosaic law the mother of the baby needs to be purified forty days after giving birth. My parents also offered two turtle doves to ransom Me. Simeon was promised to see Me before his death, and he held Me in his arms. (Luke 2:22-40) Simeon said: ‘Behold, this child is destined for the fall and for the rise of many in Israel, and for a sign that shall be contradicted. And thy own soul a sword shall pierce that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.’ Anna was a prophetess and she also gave words of thanks for My life. We then returned home to Nazareth. This day is also called Candlemas Day when the priest blesses the candles for Mass and for the people. This blessing is a sign that I am the Light of the world, and it is the end of the Christmas Season.”

Monday, February 3, 2025: (St. Blaise)

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen Me cast out demons in the Gospels. I am the Son of God and I have power over My created angels. In today’s miracle I even cast out a Legion of demons of nearly two thousand. I have given some of My power to My apostles and certain priests of today to be able to exorcize demons from possessed people. Some times My apostles were unable to exorcize certain demons, and to this I told them that such demons require prayer and fasting to cast them out. Exorcism by a priest is best, but you can have groups of prayerful people who can pray to deliver a person from evil spirits. Just as you are healed by having faith that I can heal you, so when you have faith in My power to cast out demons, you can be My instrument in casting out demons as well. Use your cross, My holy water, and My long form of the St. Michael prayer to protect you from demons, and even to remove them by invoking My power over them.”

Jesus said: “My people, the deep state is making plans to destroy your country and to allow the Antichrist a means for a world takeover. When the United States goes down, it will allow the Antichrist to take over. In Trump’s first term, the Covid virus was brought in to ruin his Presidency. Now in his second term the deep state is planning another pandemic virus to stop his agenda. In addition the one world people will try to get a world war started that will deplete your defenses. Before you see a lot of dead bodies from viruses and war, I will bring My Warning and an inner locution for My people to come to My refuges. After the Warning and the Conversion time, the Antichrist will be allowed a short time for his takeover. This takeover may take some time to develop, but My people will need My protection by My angels at My refuges. All of your preparations will be used, and I will multiply all of your needs. Trust in Me because these events are at the door.”

Tuesday, February 4, 2025:

Jesus said: “My people, it is important to have faith in Me to heal you in times of sickness, and to trust that I will see to your necessities. In your life I provide you light from the sun, oxygen in the air to breathe, and water for you to survive. I enable you to make your food from the crops I help grow, and you have weather that you can adapt to in the cold and warm parts of the year. All I ask is that you trust in Me, and have faith that I can heal your sicknesses as in today’s Gospel with Jairus’ daughter and the woman with the hemorrhages. Those people, who have faith that I can heal them, will be open to My healing graces. So take a lesson from the woman who had faith that I could heal her.”

Source: ➥