Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
God, Our Father, does not leave you alone.
- Message No. 57 -

My child. My dear child. It is I, your beloved Mother in Heaven. Much will happen in these days when your world is experiencing the dark times, but always have confidence in Us, in My Son, that nothing bad will happen to you, the beloved followers of My Son, Jesus Christ. Live in this consciousness, and pray diligently to Us, for thus it is permitted to Us by God the Father to mitigate many things and appease the predicted events, that is, you will not have to suffer all the suffering that would sweep over the earth without your prayer. Believe, My children. Remain faithful to Us and stand firm. You are the army of My beloved Son Jesus here on earth. This is a great honor for you and shows how much He loves you and how much He demands to be allowed to save you. All His so beloved faithful servants (that is you, My children) will see the light of the New Era, and Jesus will take each one of you to give you the promised peace and the love you long for so much.
My beloved children. Do not despair. Withstand the wickedness of the evil one. Exchange among yourselves and know that every natural disaster is for the purification of your earth. Rejoice, because God, Our Father, does not leave you alone. In union with Him and My Son, I share My love with you and ask everyone who reads Our Word to embark on the wonderful journey to God the Father, Our Creator.
I love you very much. Your Mother in Heaven.
Jesus: Amen, I say this to you, whoever professes Me, I will take him into My Kingdom, whoever builds on Me will not perish.
I love you, your Savior, your Jesus.
Source: ➥