Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, May 24, 2013
Do not fall for the sweet words of the false prophet who will bring so much evil!
- Message No. 150 -

My child. My dear child. Come to Me and sit down. I, your Mother in Heaven, want to ask you and all the children of this earth not to fall for the sweet words of the false prophet.
He who will bring so much evil is preparing the devil's plans, and even though it may appear outwardly that he is accomplishing good in the name of God, it is only the tactics, the practices and the preparatory works for the New One World Church that will try to "abolish" My Son and pursue its evil goals, the outrages of Satan.
Where homosexual marriages are allowed, God is not at home; where marriages are separated, God does not dwell. Where the devil is worshiped, you will not find God. Where the Holy Word of My Son is trampled underfoot, you will not meet Him.
Wake up and ask the Holy Spirit of God to give you clarity and the discernment between good and evil. Do not fall for the hypocrites of today. Listen to your heart and pray to Jesus. Whoever entrusts himself to My Son will come to know Him. Whoever talks to My Son will be able to feel Him in his heart. Whoever asks Him for His Holy Spirit will be given clarity.
Stay strong, My faithful followers of Jesus, and do not get lost in the valley of the wrong ways that come from the devil. Remain faithful to My Son and turn to HIM at all times. Then, My so beloved children, you will be saved from confusions, because the Divine Presence of My Holy Son will be with you and will work in you, and the machinations, snares and evil intentions of the devil, through his bands of evil and hypocrites sitting on the highest of your earthly thrones, you will recognize and expose as such and not fall for their lies.
Pray, then, little children, for clarity and the discernment of the Holy Spirit, and My Son will be with you and save you from these evils.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all the children of God.
Source: ➥